Chapter 3:

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It's been a week since Miss Hamilton had bursted into Mr Carter's shop. Her statement about how she "had found a new man and is really happy, and she thinks he should too," often left him pondering. He was happy. He had his wood, his home, and beer. He didn't need a girl in his life to keep him happy. He would survive without. He also thought why she would even tell him that in the first place. Whatever the reason was, he was not going to let it bother him. He decided that Georgia was right. He should just let her go. It's not like they were ever going to get back together. As John sat in his old chair daydreaming about his past and future, he realized that he hadn't been to church in months. He was a faithful man. He believed in the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, he believed that God came before man, and he believed all the commandments. He grew up Catholic and he and his family would go to church every Sunday. He stopped going now because he didn't want to see the people that came along with the church. Sure they were nice enough people, chatty, friendly, but he didn't want them to be asking him questions. John hated personal questions. You know the kind where people asked how he was doing mentally, or if he has found anyone, if he is still running his woodshop. Anytime somebody would ask John if he is still running the shop he would just respond with "Well if you actually came by the shop once in awhile you would know how it's doing." Often times, people refrained from asking John about Huckley's. He came to the conclusion that he would go to church this morning. Quite a funny man John Carter is. He thinks about all the reasons why he can't go, but then just like that he has made the decision to go. He pulls himself off of the battered chair and begins preparing himself to go to church.

When John arrives at Saint Catherine's Catholic Church he begins regretting deciding to get his ass off of that chair. Instantly, he is being overwhelmed with all sorts of different hats and garments of each color while he stands in his black dress pants, and an olive green suit jacket. He makes his way to a pew that is in the far back right corner of the small white church. He genuflects to the tabernacle and makes the sign of the cross praying that no citizen of Wintin will see him. Just as he his making his prayer the father enters the chapel and everyone rises. The father makes his way to the center of the chapel and bows before the alter. There are school aged children serving as altar servers on either sides of the father. One is holding the bible, and the other two holding candles as if lighting the way of the Lord.
"We begin today by saying a prayer who could not be here with us today. We pray that wherever they may be, they are finding their way to the Lord both spiritually and mentally." the father starts with his palms up to the Heavens. The congregation sits and John feels this sudden flood of relief. He won't be spotted, and, he feels good about coming to church today. "Good morning everyone. I don't usually do things like this in mass, but I just wanted to make a point of drawing your attention to somebody that is here today. Mr John Carter. Would you mind standing up for us?" John's heart stops. What the hell was father doing. "Come on John don't be shy." John looks around and sees these over zealous smiles beaming towards him. He stands up unsure. That sudden flood of relief he was feeling minutes ago has vanished into sudden hurricanes of angst. "Now John you haven't been here in months. And you used to be quite dedicated to making the effort of church. Now, what made you release that laziness that wouldn't bring you to church all these months? Please share." the father protested. At this point, John was actually quite pissed off. This is the thing about small towns that he hated. Even the priest notices that you have been absent from your usual habits. He opened his mouth nervously and shakily.
"Um... Well I realized what I had been missing I guess..." he formulated. The parishioners kept their beams locked on him as if waiting for more of a response. He continued: "And I probably have done some things that the Lord hasn't been happy with if you know what I mean heh heh." Which wasn't true. He has had no relationships or hook-ups since Georgia. The people looked at him bemused. They turned around slowly while the old church pews creaked and the father stood there awkwardly. The father cleared his throat:
"Well then. Let's get to it shall we?" The mass continued on for about another hour. John basically just went through the motions of church. Like when the father asked people to pray silently, he didn't. He didn't sing the songs either. He was too embarrassed about the beginning of the mass to participate. At the end of mass he booked it towards the exit but somebody grabbed his shoulder. He whirled around and saw that it was Josie Billes. He was trapped.
"Leaving so soon Tiger?" she winked at him and looped her arm around his. "You know somethin John? I haven't seen you in ages. You don't come to church anymore and you omitted yourself from Sue's. So here's what I'm wonderin: Who are you hookin up with? If nobody else has seen you around, then how are you getting around?" Josie stated. John knew the way Josie worked. She only wanted to hear the gossip. Plus there wasn't anything even to gossip about. John wasn't getting around. At all. John laughed it off and tried to change the subject.
"You haven't changed Miss Josie. Still got that weird sense of humor eh? Say are you still seeing Tucker?"
"Hell no. I dumped his sorry ass when I found him screwing Doreen Palmer. That bastard."
"I'm sorry to hear that Jos. Eh he was no good anyway." John concluded.
"You look real good John. Like real good. The best I've seen you yet; you know all ragged and sad and damaged. I also like this beard you have goin on." Josie began stroking his chest and looking deeply and seductively into his eyes.
"Now now Josie we just got out of church. Don't be thinkin like that. Maybe you ought to go back in there and ask the Lord to forgive ya." John said jokingly while meaning it. She chuckled and pulled away.
"Well if you're ever lookin for somebody call me. You know where I am. Maybe we could get a drink tonight. At Killie's. I know how much you don't want to be at Sue's." He agreed and she walked about teasingly while swaying her large hips in both directions. She was a good lookin girl. She had dark black hair and dark eyes. She was always wearin makeup and pretty clothes. She was curvy and she sure flaunted it. But she was a tease. And the only way you would make it with her is if she was desperately in love with you. If she wasn't, you couldn't expect her to come home each night. John Carter met Josie Billes at Killie's Pub that night at 8 o'clock. He was feeling nervous in the way that the night will pan out. He knows the way Josie is; flirty, and a bit dangerous. And he knows the way he is; shy, and safe. He came wearing black jeans with a white button up and black suspenders on either sides of his hips. He had slicked his hair back a tad and sprayed a bit of refresher. When he arrived at Killie's he saw that Josie was already seated at the counter with a cocktail in between her painted nails. She looked over her right shoulder and smiled that dangerous smile as he approached. She stood up and pulled her tight red dress down showing her cleavage. She had her done up in an up do and was wearin even more makeup. Her bright red lipstick showcasing her thin lips. "Well don't you look like a million bucks John." She pulled John into a very tight and friendly embrace rubbing his back and taking in his fresh scent. She closed her eyes and felt delighted by his presence. "Man is he good lookin." Josie thought. John patted her back awkwardly and pulled away.
"You look lovely as well Josie." John complimented back. Which was true. "Boy is she friendly." John thought. She giggled and took another sip of her cocktail.
"I hope you don't mind I started without you. I couldn't wait."
"Ah don't worry about it." John ordered a beer and took a sip from it. Josie was looking up and down at him as if trying to figure out what secrets he's hiding.
"So who are the girls you are hangin around with? I want to know who these lucky broads are." Josie said with slight envy.
"I wasn't going to say anything but I will. I'm not seeing anybody. I have not hooked up with any girls at all. The only reason why I said that is because I didn't want anyone to think of me as pathetic for not seeing anyone in all these years. Stupid eh?" He confessed and Josie brightened at the sound of this. There was no dialogue for a couple second when Josie responded.
"You're not over her are ya?" John slammed his beer down. Not with anger, just with a certain heaviness any time he thinks about Georgia. He looked into Josie's dark eyes and shook his head no. She patted him on the shoulder. "Nothin to be ashamed of Johnny. No shame at all. It's completely understandable that you aren't over her. She, she's quite the catch." She took another swig at her cocktail and ate the olive that is part of the drink. She ordered another and they both sat in silence for awhile. "What if you found another person to just distract you. You know? And maybe if you really got to know this person you could fall for her too." She suggested. John thought this over. He had thought of this before. You know finding another person to love in your life. It is quite clear that Georgia isn't coming back to him. But then again, he didn't want to be with another person if it just meant having them as a distraction. But as Josie Billes sat there looking elegant and confident, John Carter did the opposite of what his heart was telling him. Which was no.
  "Do you want to be my distraction?" John asked quite awkwardly. Josie put her drink down and looked meaningfully into John's blue stare. Her thin lips pulled up on the sides.
"I'd be honored John Carter." She stood up grabbing his hands. He paid for their drinks and headed out of Killie's. They drive in silence but that didn't stop Josie from smiling. They arrived at John's tiny white painted house. Josie decided to take the lead and pulled John so their lips were touching. John held Josie's wide hips and felt Josie's hands pulling him closer. John picked Josie up and carried her to his bedroom. "Slow down Tiger." Josie said smiling while taking John's shirt off. John closed the wooden door shut.

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