Chapter 3

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Hey! Sorry I haven't updated I really like this story though so I bought this app to write more ok! Haha please know this is for MATURE audiences and if you have dealt with depression self harm or anything and you can't handle it please skip the second paragraph. Ok I love you guys if you need anything don't hesitate to message me!

45 terrible minutes later Niall and I stepped through the halls. I felt invincible with Niall's protection. Niall has been so helpful and I truly believe I wouldn't be alive without him.

4 years ago when my little sister Allie died from heart problems. Around that time I started getting panic attacks and seeing her everywhere I go. I saw her in every little girl I met. Over the summer Niall proved how much he cared about me by helping me through my problems. Allie was 7 when she died. I can still picture her in her yellow dress pumping her legs to reach the sky as I pushed her on the swing. What hurt the most wasn't the anxiety but the feeling your underwater and drowning... millions of people are watching you as you thrash but not one turns their head to watch you. I hated that and thought about suicide... a lot it was awful. Around that time I started to self harm. It felt as if each time I cut I could get up and breathe for a bit; but only to be tugged down again in my own pain and emotions.

Niall tugged at my arm as I pushed through the hallways smiling and a tad bit self conscious because of the skin white lines on my left arm and thighs. I would have to show my skin eventually I thought triumphantly not letting a single negative thought past my brain.

"So how was English?" Harry asked me, seeing as he left ten minutes in.

"Disgustingly dreadful swear to god I was gonna skin myself alive." I joked

" I like this girl" Louis said and Zayn chuckled.

I blushed and stared at my feet as I walked to the music hall for band. Oh god I loved the guitar, with the thought of myself strumming an electric I ran down the halls as people shouted and moved past me. I laughed as I saw Niall tripping over someone trying to get to me.

"Having a bit trouble walking?" I yell to him as I reach the doors.

Niall finally caught up as I saw Harry and Zayn strolling our way in hysterical fits of laughter. They had the most contagious laughs and I joined in doubling over holding my stomach saying "stop" between my fits of giggles.

Liam and Louis decided to skip to go smoke outside, I would have lectured them but as I didn't know them very well decided against it.

As the laughter died out I grabbed the door handle and ran in holding my arms out as if flying while tilting my head back. I stopped as I saw a boy with tattoos covering his shoulder. I tried to contain my screams as I almost fainted right then and there. Boys with tattoos sure do turn me on. I decided to sit next to him and asked his name, he seemed quite a few years older than me and he smiled warmly before saying Bradon and he got up and hopped onto the stage.

"We'll hey guys um this year is my first year teaching here my name is Mr.Torlo ." Brandon said.

OH MY GOD THE HOTTIE IS A TEACHER OH GOD! I started to squirm in my seat with the blush creeping on my cheeks as Harry sat next to me.

"Hullo" he said warmly.

"Hayyyy Haaarrryyyy" I slowly replied holding emphasis to each letter.

" you know your quite beautiful. Hm? Maybe we can hang out after school or somethin'." He replied

"Haha we could have a pool party at my house I don't think my parents will mind... I should ask the other boys if they want to join.... But It can't be all boys my dad would freak."

"Well I think Louis's girlfriend Eleanor might want to go, Sophia probably and I could ask Cara." He said softly

"Sure that sounds great, so after school hm?"

"Yeah we can figure it out during study hall." He whispered back since Mr.Torlo was staring directly at us.

"Madison and Harry be quiet." Mr.Torlo said.

I looked at him and tried to keep my head clear as the day dragged on.

2 hours later school was over and the girls said that they could come.

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