The Girl Who Fell In Love

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One day, right after 5th hour we went to lunch and I was sitting at a table with my friends and Donna and Jackie were talking about me. So I said, "Jackie and, Donna what are you talking about." They said, "nothing." So I sat at the table for like five minutes confused. So they finally told me and they said, Justin thinks that you are cute and he really likes you but he don't know how to ask you out. I said, why don't he ask me and not you guys. So they convinced me that he is a really nice guy. I went up to the table that he was sitting at and I said it's on like donkey kong! His face turned really red and his friends started laughing at what I said. I thought that I embarresed him.

The next day me and my friends sat over there beside him and his friends. They are really wierd all they talked about was the girls that they liked. So me and my friends started our own conversations. Once the bell rang I got up and he gave me a hug then I headed to my 6th hour class. This story may bore you but trust me it gets better. After the first like week we kissed it wasn't like a normal one either. Have you ever heard of tuba land. If not it's were all the tuba players put there tubas at and theres some uniforms back there. If you ask me it was really romantic..

Not long after me and Justin was dating, Donna started to date James. Then Jackie startes to date Clifford. I was thinking in my mind that we were a dating society. I told James, and Clifford that if they ever broke my friends heart that they wouldn't want to see me when I found out. I think I scared cause they have been really nice to them lately.

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