Chapter 8.

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(alright as promised for 150 views, which thank you, SMUT!! hey also, tell me about yourselves in the comments. I'm Sarah, currently about to write gay porn.) Lots of planet metaphors.

Will went with Hannibal that night, giddy at the thoughts in his mind, and Hannibal too, was smiling at the things he thought of. When they arrived at Lectors house, Will made sure Hannibal didn't rush anything, to make it special. Or as special as it gets when you're about to fuck your physicist who is a cannibalistic murder. Hannibal didn't mind Wills slowness and calming things down as they talked with no meaning and drank champagne. I'll save him from himself, Lector thought, he'll be different.

Hannibal got up and took Wills hand, not telling them where they were going. Hannibal's house was a big, Gothic style elegant house with many rooms, but the room he was about to take Will in was special. Will was in awe when he walked in, or rather out. It was a garden, flowers grew at every angel, even from the ceiling! All the planets looked healthy and bright, but one flower caught his mind.

A chrysanthemum.

Will always liked that flower, partially because of the name and the children's book of it he read when he was younger. But also, the way the layers of petals smashed into each other and still made it look beautiful was a stunning beauty of nature. Will took a petal between his thumb and forefinger. It was delicate and fragile, like him. He took a moment to decide what flower Hannibal would be.

A tiger lily.

An typically bright orange flower, with black dots running away from the pistol, the center of the flower. Those blacks dots showed that Hannibal was soiled, dirty, bad, whatever synonym you want to use, he's still the bad guy. Will turned to another flower, a bundle of forget-me-nots. Like Abigail, he wouldn't forget her, it was a bundle of small blue and purple ones, but they we're dying. Decaying petal was still there, and it was like Abigail, dead but still there.

Hannibal voice startled him.

"Amazing what nature can give us, sad at what humanity can do to it."

"I think humanity has done the damage to itself." Will said.

Hannibal stepped closer to Will, who wasn't facing him, and quietly spoke.

"Humanity didn't do the damage to itself, other people did."

It was loud that night, every neighbor of Hannibal's heard it at 12pm, he made sure of it. A band Will introduce him to, Three Days Grace, played loudly on Animal I Have Become.

"So what if you can see the darker side of me?" Sang the lead singer, Adam.

"No one will ever change the animal I have become. And help me believe it's not the real me. No one will ever tame the animal I have become."

That was like Will, an animal, a monster. No one could figure out him to keep sane, expect Lector. It switched in his brain that Will needed Hannibal to keep him sane. He needed him. Hannibal closely moved his hand to Wills hand, to show he cared.

Will kissed Hannibal's cheek, moving to his lips and placed his hands on his No-No squares . Hannibal was surprised at Wills sudden rush ness to have sex, he thought he wanted to take it slow, but here he was massaging his dick through thin cotton. Will moved his hands up to Hannibal's shirt, undoing the buttons, they broke the kiss.

"Will." Hannibal said, still in shock.

"Are you sure you want this?"

"Yes. I love you."


Hannibal disrobed and Will did too, when noticed a string of silver around Wills neck.

"What's this?" He asked, pointing to his necklace.

"A girl named Noona gave it to me when I was in eighth grade." Will said, remembering the blonde girl from middle school.

"She must have been very special to you, Will."

"She was." He whispered.

But then Will thought, Sex now, therapy later.  And began kissing Lector, who wanted to make it special for Will. He placed a hand on Wills back while they made out, traveling it down to Wills thigh. Will closed his eyes and the rest passed in a blur of love.

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