Cuddles and late night phone calls

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The curtains danced gently with the summer breeze. The sun was setting just behind Hasestu Castle and it created a tall and looming silhouette. I'd gone to bed early tonight after eating two pork cutlet bowls, Victor wasn't very happy about it but we've just finished the Grand Prix so he let me off with it this time.

My phone buzzed at me from my bedside cabinet, speak of the devil.

"Victor, why are you phoning me? You're literally just down the hall."

"Can I come sit with you?" He asked in that little quiet voice.

"Y-yeah, I'll leave my-" I was getting up from my bed when my door opened, "Victor?" He shuffled into my room with his head hanging. "What's wrong?" I asked,

"Yurio was just on the phone. He said he couldn't come visit." Victor flopped down on my bed next to me.

"How come?"

"His grandpa is sick. He doesn't think it's serious but he wants to stay with him." He sounded really sad.

"I hope it's not too bad."

"I think we should call off the party." Of course, I'd forgotten that we planned to throw a party here at the hot spring after the Grand Prix.

"But Leo, JJ and Mila are already here, Chris is flying out at the weekend, we can't just call it off at such short notice." Viktor sighed and sat up on the edge of the bed,

"How about instead of a big party we just have a dinner party, I'm sure mom and dad won't mind us using the restaurant."

"Alright. I just don't want him to feel left out." He leaned his chin on the heel of his hand and drummed his fingers against his lips. He's known Yurio for years, it must be hard talking to him when he's this sad and they're hundreds of miles apart.

I shuffled over next to him and gave him a little smile,

"I'm sure Yurio's grandfather will be fine." I reassured him. He laid down with his head in my lap and I noticed that his hair was a bit wet.

"Were you in the shower?"

"No, I sat in the hot spring for a bit. Why?"

"Just wondering."

The sun had finally disappeared behind the mountain and Hasetsu had fallen into darkness. I flicked on my bedside lamp and Viktor yawned, stretching his arms out. I laughed a little,



"No, no, what is it?" He sat up and gave me a confused look, "every time I yawn, you laugh! What's so funny?"

"Nothing, I swear."

"I'll make you tell me if you don't." He chirped,

"Oh, what'll you do? Tickle me?"

I shouldn't have said that. Before I knew it he was on top of me. Our laughter rang through the room and his determined face only made me laugh more.

"Ok, ok, I'll tell you!" I giggled, "it's cute!"


"It's cute, when you stretch. You're yawns make you sound like a kitten." I blushed as I spoke, getting more and more red with each word.

"Aw! Yuuri, that's so sweet you think I'm cute!"

"It's not that big a deal." I mumble, "can you go now?"


"Why not?"

"Because, if I left I wouldn't be able to do this." He takes his hands away from my shoulders and tucks himself in at my side. One arm draped across my waist.




We fell asleep like that. Viktor first, then me. I dozed off watching the stars and playing with Viktor's hair, the silver mess shining in the moonlight.

"Hey. Yuuri. Wake up, it's ten am and your skating friend just called." Mari was hovering above my face, cigarette in hand.

"Mari, I told you not to smoke in here." I croaked. Viktor coughed a little and I began to waft away the smoke. I'd forgotten he was there.

"Sorry but Chris is on the phone, said he couldn't reach your cell. Get up." She took a puff of her cigarette and left.

"What was that? Did you burn breakfast?" Viktor asked in his sleepy voice.

"No, Mari was smoking in here. Chris is on the phone so I've gotta go for a minute. Wait here."

"Ok, tell him I said hi." He mumbled, then he quite happily rolled over and went back to sleep. I can't believe I fell asleep like that with him. It was kinda nice.

Mari was waiting by the phone for me.

"Hey Chris, what's up?"

"Hi Yuuri, listen, my flight got cancelled and the only other one before next week was today."

"Wait, what?"

"I'll be at the airport in a couple of hours."

"What do you mean a couple of hours?"

"I'm in Thailand with Pichit. We'll see you soon!" He chirped. Before I could answer he'd hung up.

"What'd he say?" Mari asked,

"Him and Pichit are gonna be here in a few hours."

"You better get ready then." She blew a little cloud of smoke past my face before stubbing her cigarette out in a little glass ashtray. I swear she keeps one in her pocket, they're everywhere.

I jogged back up the stairs to my room and found Viktor still curled up in my bed. Gently, I shook his shoulder and he started to grumble.

"Makachin, not now, daddy's sleeping."

"I'm not Makachin. Now get up, Chris and Pichit are gonna be here soon." He rolled over to face me,

"But I'm tired. Let's just go back to sleep for a bit."

"We can't, we need to go to the airport to pick them up."

"Fine." I grabbed his hand and helped him up, he wobbled a bit before getting back his balance.

"Go get changed."

I jingled Mari's car keys as I looked for her.

"Mari, we're borrowing your car."

"No you're not."

"We need it."

"Don't dent it!"

"We won't!"

She pretends she doesn't like me but she loves me really.

Me and Viktor sat in silence for a while at the beginning of the drive. I felt awkward so I started making small talk.

"So, last night..."

"It was nice. I felt really bad and you listened. I've not had someone that listened to me in a while." He sounded so happy and relaxed,

"Well I'm glad I made you feel better."

"You're a good friend Yuuri." He smiled at me and looked out the window. Rain was trailing down the glass and leaving little trails in their wake.

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