Welcome Home

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(Chapter 2)

"Okay, so you're almost 16 and you still don't have a permit?!" Alex questioned for the thousandth time.

"No Alex, the orphanage didn't let us go to drivers ed. We were lucky if we got to go to school in general" I said. He looked at me quizzically before staring out at the road again. We had been driving for god knows how long and Alex and Jack took no time in interrogating me. The basic questions had come first, such as, favorite color, favorite movie, favorite song, my idol, my height,(Thank god they didn't ask my weight), What my social networks are, and so on. Then the questions got harder, like, Why was I at the orphanage (As if I knew), and my life story. Since they spent the first half asking me things I figured now was my chance for role reversal.

"So, are you two like an official thing like I know you said fiancé but like is it for real?" I asked. Alex glanced at Jack through the mirror and gave him a small smile and nod.

"Yeah, but we haven't really came out to the public yet." Jack sighed.

"Why not? You two are adorable together. And as far as I know everyone supports you guys." I earned a chuckle from the two as if they knew something I didn't.

"Maybe our fans but not everyone in our personal life." Alex stated.

"Well maybe so but if they have a problem with it then they can go live with the west borrow baptist church or something and get over it." This time the couple didn't hold anything back and burst out with laughter. I had to say, it was pretty contagious and i ended up laughing just as hard.

The rest of the ride went smoothly and we were able to keep small talk going. I'd say we all learned something from each other, which is always a fun bonding experience.

"We're home!" Alex said excitedly.

"Good, because I need to piss." Jack yanked open the car door and hustled inside. Alex muttered something under his breathe jokingly about Jack before helping me out and heading inside himself. I was not about to be left outside this random house alone so I followed Alex closely.

When we got inside I was shocked at how neat everything was. There was a folded stack of laundry at the foot of the stairs and everything seemed dusted and vacuumed and just over all perfect. The walls were some form of beige and there was hardwood flooring. Something that really caught my eye though was a huge bay window looking out towards a beach with tons of fluffy pillows and blankets. I don't know why but I had always wanted one like that.

"Earth to Cora!" Alex waved his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah yeah I'm here." I realized I had some stupid grin on my face but I couldn't seem to get it off.

"Good, okay so this is the downstairs living room, then there's the kitchen, family room, dining room, game room, and the basement," Jack made a spooky ghost noise at the word basement and threw a white blanket over his head,"Anyway," Alex laughed as he continued,"When you get upstairs theres my room, Rian's guest room, Zack's guest room, Jack's room, an open room, and last but certainly not least, your room. And of course some bathrooms along the way. Oh yeah, and there's one main hall closet and everyone has there own as well." Alex pointed to various things as he spoke.

"You should come out of yours." I said quietly. He about choked as soon as I said it. I gave him a cheesy smile and started up the stairs. "Come on now, I wanna see my room!"

"Witty little-" Alex joked before following me upstairs and soon taking the lead to show which room was mine. He stopped in front of a white door and popped it open. "Welcome to your new humble aboad."

The room was pretty damn big and seemed to fit me perfectly. The walls were tall and navy blue, the sheets on the bed were an anchor print, the floor was a soft and fluffy white carpet, And to pull it all together there was a white hardwood bookshelf-and-desk-in-one. As soon as I saw the room I turned to Alex and gave him the biggest hug.

"Thank you thank you, thank you, thank you! This is perfect!" I yelped in happiness.

"Thank Jack, he's the one with a teenager brain." Alex said while grinning.

"THANKS JACK!" I made sure that wherever in the house he was, he heard me.

"NO PROBLEM CORA!" He yelled back from the bottom of the stairs. "WAIT I HAVE SOMETHING TO GIVE YOU!" Jack disappeared before reappearing with 6 cans of spray paint.

"What are those for?" Alex asked from behind me.

"To personalize, duh!" Jack respond happily and joined us upstairs and made the turn into my room, Alex and I following close behind. "This room is great but it needs a little something." He walked over to a blank wall and spray painted a huge white smiley face before turning to me. "Your turn!"

"I don't know what to do." The rebellious part that is in all of us was raging inside of me right now to spray paint everything but I didn't know what to paint.

"Just take one and try!" Jack tossed me a baby blue can. I thought carefully before walking over to the wall spraying on a simple flower.

"I'll be downstairs, don't get to out of hand." Alex looked at both of us before heading out of the room.

"Pshhhh we would never get out of hand." Jack rolled his eyes with a chuckle before grabbing a neon green paint can and spraying a dick on the wall.

"Really jack!? Really?" I crossed my arms.

"Oh come onnnnn, don't be such a mom!" He said ironically before spraying on another one. I grabbed a traffic cone orange can and put a weird looking sun over the original jack-made picture. And that pretty much sums up how we spent the next few hours. Jack would make something extremely inappropriate and I would cover it with something randomly aesthetic. It turned into quite the game.

"Jack, Cora, Come on down!" I heard Alex yell from downstairs. Jack and I tossed the paint cans off to the side and raced down the stairs. As soon as I reached the bottom step I saw Rian and Zack standing there kinda awkwardly.

"Hi, I'm Rian." He introduced himself. (as if I didn't know)

"And I'm Zack, nice to meet you."

"Hi, well I'm Cora and it's nice to meet you to."

"Welcome to the family Cora." Rian said with a kind smile before heading off the kitchen.

Could this day honestly get any better?

(A/N: A huge thank you to any one and every one who reads this <3 )

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