Oh My Gaskarth...

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(Chapter 1)

"Get up kids!" Mrs. Brooks, our house mother, called from downstairs.

"Do I have toooooo?" I groaned from my bunk.

"Yeah, now get the fuck up Cora." My best friend, Amethyst, ripped the blankets off of me. I clawed at the air for them back until I realized, this time she wasn't going to let me sleep in. What a bitch. Don't get me wrong, I loved her like a sister, but right now, I just really wanted to sleep longer. I was literally having one of the best dreams of my life, I got adopted by this old couple but they died the next day and I got all their money and I bailed out all of my friends still in the orphanage and we all moved to Fiji and lived happily ever after. Yeah, creative, I know. Now if only I could get the first step to happen. I had been at this orphanage for at least 4 years, I started loosing track to be honest, I wanted out. But that would only happen if I got up today and actually gave a shit. I had heard we had some couple coming in today and the only way Mrs. Brooks will give us a chance is if we help out that morning. Helping out never bothered me, as long as I could work with music on. A little All Time Low, or Blink 182, or maybe even some Real friends. I had a fairly diverse taste but no doubt those were my top 3 favorite bands.

"Hurry it up Cora, Amethyst!" Mrs. Brooks knocked on our door.

"Yeah yeah, be right out." I said while grabbing a black All Time Low tank, some black skinny jeans, and a pair of black vans while dancing to the bathroom down the hall. I took no time in fixing my hair into a bun and throwing my clothes on. Amethyst was waiting for me in our room and we headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Good to see you actual decided to join us." Jill, the local bitch, faked a smile.

"Oh well I was actually hoping you wouldn't be here." I took no time in replying.

"Girls," Mrs. Brooks scolded before continuing, "We have a couple coming in today and I want you all on your best behavior. They are in fact gay and if I hear one bad remark about it, you're off the list for a month."

"Yes Ma'am." We all said before digging into breakfast.


"Girls! They're here! Clean up and go to the meeting room!" Ms. Neil, our second house mother, called to us with excitement. I took no time in chucking the dust pan into the closet and heading into the light yellow front room. I turned down my ipod which was blaring 'Walls' by All Time Low as I took my usual seat in an old floral chair. The day had gone surprisingly quick and I couldn't wait till the two got here. Amethyst tapped my shoulder and pulled on my headphones.

"Don't you dare pull them out Am." I warned her.

"But I wanna talkkkk." She whined. I sighed and pulled out one of the headphones.

"About what?"

"What if it was Jalex!" Amethyst was smiling the widest I had ever seen. She was almost as big as fan of them as I was, almost.

"Or Kellic." I joked.

"It would so be Fuenciado."

"Nuh uh! Kellic is way more realistic. Don't even get me started." Instead of answering me back, Amethyst yanked my iPod from me and dashed around the room. Oh hell no. I took no time in lunging from my seat and chasing her. She has just turned around when Ms. Neil walked in with the new couple.

"Cora, Amethyst, sit down. Now." She demanded with stern kindness. As I turned to say I was sorry, I stopped in my tracks. At this moment I literally wanted to scream my head off in happiness. And by the look on Amethyst's face, she thought the same thing.

"Oh my Gaskarth." I whispered loud enough for the couple to hear.

"Cora. Sit. Down." Mrs. Brooks stated, walking in behind her assistant. So I did just that, right in middle of the room, I sat down. Earning myself a glare from the house mothers and a laugh from Am and the Couple. The two walked into the room and introduced themselves.

"Hi guys uhm I'm Alex Gaskarth and this is my fiancé Jack Barakat and we're here to find someone who would fit into our family and uh would want to be there haha." He smiled at all of us.

"These two men are here to find a kid that can keep up with a fast paced life and adapt to things. Although you all are tough cookies I know some will fit better than others and that's why you're all gathered here." Mrs. Brooks looked at each individual in the eye as if saying 'this is your chance, please don't fuck it up'.

"I like your taste in music." Alex piped up with a grin in my direction. I could only smile back because I feared that if I said anything it would turn into a jumble of 'holy fuck' 'shit' 'oh my god' and 'throw up'.

"Okay so Mr. Gaskarth, Mr. Barakat, we have 4 girls that fit your standards and in our other house we have 7 boys that do so as well." The house mother paused before continuing, "Here we have Rebecca, Cora, Jill, and Kelly. In the other house we have Dakota, Tyler, Mike, James, Ben, Martin, and Nick." She pointed to us four girls as she said our names and pointed towards lawn to the boys house across the yard while she said theirs.

"What about her?" Jack pointed straight to me. Oh my god, I felt like i was about to explode. This better not just be a dream.

"That's Cora, she's 15 and she'll have been here 5 years this July." Ms. Neil introduced me.

"Cora, that's a rad name. So you like music? What about like a lot of music all the time? And how would you react if someone said 'Don't panic'?"

"Thank you, yes times a billion, and the obvious response would be 'It's longer now.'" I was somehow able to steady my voice as I spoke.

"Ay I say she's a keeper!" Jack said smiling ear to ear.

"Agreed, you'll fit right in Cora." Alex gave small smile before turning to sign papers and all that jazz.

"Pack your bags Cora Quinn, you're heading home." Mrs. Brooks gave a genuine smile. I nodded and ran up to my room. Amethyst close behind me. We didn't speak much, just packed up what I owned as I tried to wrap my mind around this new world I was about to be thrown in. Without my best friend as well, as if i wasn't anxious enough already.

"Okay so just to double check, 7 shirts, 2 jeans, 2 shorts, 1 dress, my phone, iPod, and the simple necessities of life?" I questioned.

"Yep, I'm so happy for you Cora." She ran over and hugged me, and I couldn't help but hug back.

"I'll text and call as often as possible and I'll get you out of here one day Am. I promise. Goodbye."

"You better, goodbye for now." She said in a wavering voice. I smiled a small smile before grabbing my bag and jumping down the stairs. Never in a million years did I actually think this would happen.

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