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Katy's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It was only 6:30am. I felt really tired because yesterday I had some friends who came over.

Today it's a Sunday and it's summer which I practically love so much!

I yawned and rolled myself all over the bed.

Actually I have been sleeping lonely on the bed with nobody. Orlando and I are still married but you will never ever imagine nor believe me if I tell you that it has been five years since our big argument.

We have never talked nor seen each other since that horrible day.

I really miss him. He was right, this separation was a really great idea. We needed a little bit of time for ourselves.

Now if he comes, he will be the most welcomed.

"Good morning mommy." I heard footsteps and then saw a cute Skyler with her messy hair approaching my bed.

"Good morning baby. Did you sleep well?" I asked while I kissed her little nose.

"Yes, I'm hungry mommy."

"Did you wash your face?" I asked while opening my arms meaning for a hug

"I did, and I brushed my teeth."

I stared at how beautiful she is. Every time I look at her she reminds me of Orlando. Sure she looks like me but she has got the same smile as Orlando.

"Good girl! High five!" She gave me a high five and then buried her head on my chest. "Let's go and grab some cereals."

We went downstairs where I saw Cheeto and Nugget playing together. I fed them and then poured some milk and cereals in two bowls.

Skyler sat next to me at the table in the kitchen.

"Honey what do you want to do today?"

"I dunno. Can I have Shannon come over?" She asked with those cute little puppy eyes

"Sure! But let me just call her and see if she's free today."

K: Hi Shannon!

S: Hi Katy. How are you and Skyler doing?

K: Good, thanks for asking. Are you free today?

S: Yup, why?

K: Skyler wants you to come over...

S: Aw kind of so sweet from her, okay I will come over in fifteen minutes.

K: Alright, thanks see you later.

I hung up and continued watching TV while eating as Skyler did the same.



She stared at me with her big blue grey oceanic eyes and I knew that something was bothering her.

"Where's daddy?"

"You know what Skyler, go change yourself. Shannon is going to be here soon."

I saw her shaking her head as a no. I know she has the rights to tell her where he is but I just feel heartbroken talking about that.

"No! Every time I ask you about it, you ignore me. All my friends have a dad except me. Please tell me where he is."

"He's working honey."

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