chaptet one

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rachel was currently at a music store in west lima looking for a song to sing for fin who she was pretty angry with. he had failed to defend her yet again from quinn infact he had snickered at the comment quinn had made about her.

" excuse me can you tell me which section the songs that show disappointment and hurt at been lwt down by the one person who is supposed to love you are" rachel asked the clerk

" um i would look at section three heartbreak" the clerk said

" thank you" rachel said

" well well if it isnt lima's very own young streisand" a voice said behind her she knew who it was she turned and looked at sebastian.

" what do you want " rachel asked

" funny you should ask that broadway because i do infact want something " sebastian said

" well spit it out" rachel said

" ooh sassy a most pleasing characteristic" sebastian said

" im busy" rachel said walking away to section three

" yes i heard your having trouble with that thing your dating" sebastian said

" dont talk about him like that" rachel snapped

" why are you defending him when he has upset you" sebastian said

" you know nothing of my relationship" rachel said

" oh really" sebastian said

" yes" rachel said

" see i wouldnt be to sure about that broadway" sebastian said

" you dont know anything" rachel said

" actually i do i know your an insanely talented girl with big dreams and while you tell everyone the dream is broadway. there is a part of you that is still a sad little girl who just wants to be liked hence dating the quarterback. you xay your focused on broadway yet your worried about been popular it doesnt add up rachel. you see you and i are not that different when i came to dalton i wanted to be the best when i joined the  warblers i didnt want to be part of them i wanted to be captain and now i am. same with lacrosse im captain of the team.what im trying to say is i had a dream i went after it and i got it did it upset people sure it did does it make me the most popular guy at dalton no half of them hate me but i dont care because i am better than them. tou are better than the rest of your diversity club rachsl yet gour letting the fact that fin dated a cheerleader cloud your judgement" sebastian said

" your wrong" rachel said

" no im not" sebastian said

" you dont know anything about me and im nothing like you" rachel said

" rachel you sent a girl to a crck house so she wouldn't steal your solo so yes you are like me and i know you better than you think. i know the reason you like fin is because you thought dating the most popular guy at school would stop with rest of them picking on you. yet he never actually seems to defend you blaine does sam does even puck does but never fin. isnt your boyfriend supposed to care how you feel and protect you" sebastian said

" just leave me alone" rachel said feeling emotional

" look i didnt come here to upset you but sometimes the truth is hard but i will gove you some advice its better to be alone than with the wrong guy" sebastian said

" i love fin " rachel said

" i know you but it doesnt mean he is right for you does it we are talking about the guy who slept with one of your main bullies santana while you guys were broken up now you mihht think im a bad guy but if i dated a girl who i knew to be self conscious and was picked on by a cheerleader no matter how my relationship with her ended i wouldnt sleep with the cheerleader. that's the equivalent of kicking you when your down but fin did that and you forgave him for the same reason it hurt you because you felt unattractive part of you was grateful he wanted you back because your self conscious" sebastian said

" i dont want to talk any more" rachel said walking away

" he isnt right for you" sebastian said

" look leave it" rachel said

" rachel he isnt the only guy who looks at you you dont need to settle with him or for him " sebastian said rachel said nothing but looked at the floor.

" for instance i know of a guy who would do anything to be with you a guy who deserves you understands you and wouldnt be eyeing trashy cheerleaders all the time. " sebastian said

" he doesnt eye them" rachel said

" look all im trying to say is you shouldn't settle for him you deserve a boyfriend who respects you and sees that your more special than a whole team of cheerios." sebastian said

" why are you been nice your not nice" rachel said which caused him to chuckle

" oh young streisand you do make me laugh you wonder why im been nice its simple really i want you" sebastian said rachel was stunned

" why" rachel asked

" because your the only person i know more determined than me i like that. your talented so am i i think we would sound amazing if we dueted but above all that i want you to know how truly breathtaking you realy are" sebastian said he walked away as soon as he finished saying that as he could clearly tell she was emotional and needed to process it.

rachel didnt know what to think at first she thought he was joking maoing fun of her but as he said the let part he seemed emotional like he meant it. rachel went to a quiet section of the store and sat down and felt her eyes fill with tears. sebastian had said alot of things she hadnt admitted to herself and she felt raw.

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