chapter five

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" wait i minute hold up are you telling me he has written a song about rachel" mercedes said

" all his songs are about her" skylar said

" skylar" sebastian said loudly

" they are if your going to write  songs about her she deserves to hear them" skylar said

" just shut it" sebastian snapped clearly embarrassed

" ok maybe we should focus on my song" mercedes said rachel was stunned he had been writing songs about her as in more than one.

" you sent me the videos of you singing them i didnt think it was a big secret" skylar said

" just leave it" sebastian said

" but im confused i thought you were dating her" skylar said

" skylar dont you have somewhere to be" sebastian said

" no" skylar said

" then shut the hell up we are trying to write a song" sebastian said rachel was sat in a shocked silence sebastian had said he loved her but given everything he had done before she hadnt really thought it to be true now she had heard from his own brothers mouth that he had written songs about her.

" well looking at these lyrics the music has to have an attitude about it" sebastian said getting up mercedes followed him over to the drum kit.

" he really likes you" skylar whispered to rachel so sebastian couldnt hear

" oh" was all rachel said as she was still in shock

" we share a dorm he wakes me up calling your name out in his sleep" skylar said rachel found herself blushing

" really" she whispered back

" yeah thats when he told me you were his" skylar said

" skylar come here" sebastian said eyeing his brother with suspicion

" on my way" skylar said

they spent another hour trying out music styles until mercedes was happy with the finished sound afterwards rachel sebastian and skylar sat down as mercedes sang hell to the no.

" its amazing" rachel said

" couldnt have done it without me" sebastian said while clapping

" you have an amazing voice seb said only rachel could sing out of you lot" skylar said

" oh really" mercedes said

" i might have said that " sebastian said

" well seen as it seems you got feelings for her i will let you off but dont insult my crazy talent again" mercedes said rachel glared at her

" why dont you sing a song sebastian " skylar asked

" no" sebastian said

" its doesn't have to be if your not the one you could sing anything " skylar said

" how can anybody follow mercedes jones" sebastian said

" what as gotton into you its like your shy your never shy you dont do shy" skylar asked

"well maybe its because my brother is embarrassing me" sebastian said

" what by telling the thruth" skylar said

" we should be getting back to lima" rachel said standing up

" yeah we best do" mercedes said

" well ladies its been somewhat fun i apologise for skylar he wont be involved next time" sebastian said sranding up to walk them out.

" next time" mercedes asked

" we created a good song why stop at one" sebastian said

" maybe we could write a power ballad for rachel" mercedes said

" already has" skylar muttered under his breathe

" im so going to deal with you when they have gone" sebastian said to him

" thank you for helping" rachel said not really knowing what to say

" guess i will see you around" sebastian said as skylar had now run off

" dont be to hard on him it was funny seeing you blush didnt think you had it in you" mercedes said as she and rachel headed to their cars.

" well it looks and sounds like smythe is smitten" mercedes said to rachel.

as rachel was in her car and pulling out of the parking space skylar ppeared infront of her car making her jump he quickly ran round the side of her car so she rolled down the window.

" sorry for startling you but i thought you should have this" skylar said handing her a disc

"what is it" rachel asked

" its a collection of videos of him singing about you. i know he seemed embarrassed about you hearing them but i think if you know just how he feels maybe you would give him a chance. i know he isnt always the easiest person to be around but he does love you he used to send the videos to me when i was in paris please just watch them." skylar said before he ran off back inside the acadamy rachel looked at the disc her mind well and truly blown.


" why did you do that" sebastian demanded as skylar entered their shared dorm

" do what" skylar asked

" tell her i had wrote songs about her" sebastian said

" you have" skylar said

" but you might have frightened her off" sebastian said sittig down on his bed.

" i thought it would help clearly the way you have behaved is putting her off i thought maybe she would listwn to me as who knows you beter than me" skylar said

" i just wish she would give me a chance " sebastian said trying to hold his emotions in

" she will" skylar said sitting down next to him

" what if she wont" sebastian said

" i dont think you need to worry about that" skylar said

" you really think she will give me a chance" sebastian asked

" yeah i do" skylar said smiling to himself.

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