chapter seven

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two days later

rachel is in the auditorium practising her sole when she hears clapping and sees sebastian walking down the right side steps. she feel nervous as its the first time she has seen him since she listened to the disc.

" what you doing here" rachel asked

" well every since you listened to my songs i have been wanting to talk to you and i felt that you might be alittle whats the word shy about talking to me so i decided to be bold and come to see you" sebastian said

" oh" rachel said

" so you liked my songs" sebastian asked

" they are amazing" rachel said

" thank you what do you think now" sebastian asked

" think now" rachel said as he reached the stage and climbed up

" yes  i want to know where i stand" sebastian said

" i see um i just got out of a relationship im not looking for a new one" rachel said not really knowing what to say as she felt awkward.

" i see im not giving up rachel if your not willing to give me a chance i will just have to make you" sebastian said

" but...  " rachel started to say

" but nothing i love you i want you and i dont care if it takes a minute a day or a month or even six months im not giving up" sebastian said

" fin and i havent even been broke up a week" rachel said

" so who cares about him its not like he was bothered about moving on fast that is if he wasnt giving her one behind your back" sebastian said

" look its just i dont know you that well not really" rachel said

" the way to get to know me is to spend time with me say friday night" sebastian said

" thats not what i meant" rachel said

" look rachel i get that your trust in guys is fragile right now but you owe it to yourself to give me a chance" sebastian said

" i told you im not ready" rachel said

" so its settled dinner friday night i will pick you up and yes i do know where you live and no i am not taking no for an answer be ready for 7.30 see you then" sebastian said walking of the stage leaving rachel stood speechless.

rachel couldnt believe how confident he  could be when he wanted to be he had told her she was going on a date with him not asked her.


rachel was home getting ready she wasnt sure if the date was a good idea but she knew sebastian would still turn up if she text to say she wasnt going.

so at 7.25 she was sat at the bottom of the steps waiting for him wondering what was going to happen as she heard him pull up desperate to avoid an awkward moment with her dads rachel went out to his car he was walkign tlwards the front door as she did so.

" you get more beautiful each time i see you" he said opening the car door for her once he was in the car rachel felt nervous as he pulled out of the driveway.

" relax i dont bite until the third date unless you ant me to " sebastian said

" what" rachel asked

" just relax its going to be fun" sebastian said

" where are we going" rachel asked

" a place called delphi" sebastian said

" oh by the way our second date will be next tuesday" sebastian said

" two things first your getting ahead of yourself secondly i cant do tuesday" rachel said

" why" sebastian said

" why what" rachel asked

" why cant you do tuesday" sebastian asked

" i am having my wisdom tooth pulled out" rachel said

" i see monday then" sebastian said

" dont you have warbler practice on Mondays" rachel asked

" yes but let me see hanging out with a bunch of guys or spending time with you i gotta say you win hands down" sebastian said rachel sat not saying anything

" i know fin has dented your self confidence but you dont need to worry about me going off  your the only girl i want and that wont change" sebastian said

" i dont like how your just expecting it though i have the right to an opinion" rachel said and sebastian pulled the car over.

" look im sorry if i am been alittle cocky but have felt this way about you for a long time and the thruth is i need to knwo whether we would work or not if we dont i can move on right now im in limbo. " sebastian said before setting off again.

" im not over fin" rachel said quietly

" oh please a few hours with me you wont give that oaf a second thought" sebastian said as he pulled into the parking lot.

" i have waited a long time for this so lets go in there and get you falling in love with me" sebastian said as they got out of the car.

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