Chapter Five:

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  Chapter Five:

         For a while I forgot that I wasn't supposed to hug him but even when I remembered I didn't stop hugging him. He wasn't pulling back so I thought, Why should I?

"My names Margaret, Margaret Stone." I breathed.

"that's...that's a really pretty name" He responded.

I laughed, at least he didn't say it was unique. A lot of people have the name Margaret. If fact I have had 4 different friends that have the same name as me.

 "So watcha wanna do now?" I asked while secretly hoping he didn't have to go home.

  "Uhm.. we could-" before he finished his sentence, he took off running, "-Tag! You're it!"

  I smiled to myself before running after him. Boy, was he fast! I had caught up to him but as I was reaching out to tag him, he took off in another sprint.

I sucked in a huge gulp of air and sprinted after him. I didn't even get 2 yards when I felt my lungs reach their full air capacity. I stopped and put my hands behind my head trying to catch my breath. I really need to get in shape.

I watched him as he ran around the corner, realize I wasn't following him, and turn around. I laughed at the sheepish look that overtook his serious expression.

"Well now that we know you aren't in shape at all, we could go to my place and watch a movie," He said, after a while.

I nodded and this time, we walked the rest of the way.


We ended up watching the movie Frozen, since everyone was saying how good of a movie it was. By the end I understood why everyone loved it, but Jonathon didn't, only because he feel asleep half way through it. I didn't want to wake him up and I just left.  

On the way home, I realized what a stupid move that was. What if he freaks out and comes to my house? I couldn't let Jake know I had made a new friend. He would never let me out of the house!

I decided I would sit on my porch and wait. it hadn't even been 1 minute when I saw him running towards me. I sighed, hoping that I had a regretful look on my face. Apparently not.

"Why'd you leave?! I thought he came and took you!" He yelled.

"Why are you yelling at me, its not like you would care! You're probably wishing I could just die so you wouldn't have to pretend to like me!" I yelled back at him and quickly stood up to go inside.

I shut the door and ran upstairs, ignoring the thought that Jake would have heard and come after me. I dived under me covers and began to cry. I was never going to get anyone to care for me. Even if I did my thoughts wouldn't allow it. Over the past few years I became the mouse and my thoughts became the snake, they became the ocean and i began to drown. I used to always think that people hurting you was the worst experience in the world, but its not. Your own thoughts hurting you enough to the point where you would rather pick up a gun and shoot yourself instead of listening to them, is the worst experience in the world.

Sorry that its not good or long, but its a filler chapter. I will try to update soon again for those of you who are reading my book.. likely no one since i don't update much haha



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