Finally happy

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Rose's P.O.V.

I am all ready tired and its only 9am. Rydel woke me up at 5am. so we could go shopping. I knew agreeing to this while I was in the hospital was a bad idea. But I said yes because she gave me a puppy dog look and I wanted to make her happy. So here I am in the mall trying on outfits and I all ready have at least 20 bags. Rydel says that she wants to spoil me and I tried telling her that she didn't have to but she wouldn't listen to me. "Oh my that just looks so perfect on you!" "Really" "Yes your changing back into that as soon as its paid for." "Does this mean that were done shopping." Rydel shoulders slump down but she lets out a long breath before saying the one word I have wanted to hear for 4 hrs. "yes....but I we need to go to one more store ok" "Fine I guess one more won't kill me. But only one" I walk back into the changing room to take off the cloth's while Rydel runs off to do god knows what. I am so happy to be going home and to see Ross again. Rydel takes the outfit from me telling me to stay put before  coming back about a minute later telling me to put it back on. She has gone shopping way to much cause paying for cloths in less then a minute is crazy. I just shake my head and put the outfit back on before waling out with my clothes in my hand. "Ross is going to die when he sees you" Of course thats all she could think about. I should be the one thinking that. "Come on" Before I even have a chance to catch my breath Rydel is pulling me through the mall before suddenly stopping before JJ's Jewles. "I need a gift for Mothers day and i know a necklace that she has been wanting. Pick out a few items yourself." Not even giving me a chance to speak she walks away and I just laugh and shake my head before following into the store after her. I should get something for Bella and I also want to get something for Stormie for mothers day cause she has been so kind to me and I see her as my own mother to. "How are you doing today" My head comes up to see a man in about his 60's standing behind the counter with a huge smile on his face. "Im pretty good right now what about you." "Im doing great, what are you looking for today" "well Im looking to get gifts for my sister and a women who I consider my mother because how much she cares for me but I don't know if she see's me as a daughter...any idea's" The man gives me a weird look but lets out a little laugh before walking over to a display case and pulls out 2 items before walking back to me. "Well for the sister I have this necklace and we can put anything on the back of it so its personalized and for the complicated mother situation, I think I have just the perfect item." He hands me a box and I open it to see two hands holding each other. "this is a one of a kind. A mother came in one day and said that she would give us the necklace for free but she only had one condition. That who ever we sell the necklace to has to have a deep connection to there mother. To give it to someone who wasn't just gonna make it another random gift that it would be something more." "its an amazing necklace, did she ever tell you why she was giving it to you." "I asked her why and she said her daughter gave it to her but that she died in a crash and that she wanted another mother and daughter to share the same bond she hand with her daughter." "I think it will be perfect, are you sure that im the right person though" with a smile on his face he says "Im positive" I have him put Bella the star on the back of Bella's necklace before paying him. "Hey are you ready Rose" Rydel comes to me as i put the last necklace in the bag. "Yea I am so ready to go home" "you mean ready to see Ross" I push her shoulder a little bit but don't say anything cause she is right. I want to just go home and lay in bed I am tired and have had enough shopping for the next 20 years. I close my eyes as were driving back and before I know it were back home. "I have the bags it looks like I killed you so go see my brother." I let out a yawn but nod my head "thank you" before she can change her mind I walk into the house with the jewelry bag and head straight to my room. Its only 9:30 so when I see Ross still asleep in bed im not surprised. I pull off my coat and put the bag on the desk before crawling into bed and under the covers. "Your back" "yea shhh go back to bed" "I can't we have to get up mom said breakfast would be ready at 10 and so its only half an hr. away. We have to get out of bed" "I just got back into be can't we wait a little bit" Rolling over Ross puts his arm around my back holding me close. "I like you sleeping in my bed it makes me feel like I can protect you better" "please tell me this isn't just abou..." "No its not about Sean....well not just about him. I just want to keep you safe expecally since I finally have you back. Plus I love being able to hold you in my arms." I just push my head into my pillow trying to hide the blush but Ross sits up and pulls me up into his lap. "No hiding now we have to get up or else mom will kill us." "come on we need to get up" Ross rolls off the bed and I plop down watching as he heads off into the bathroom. as soon as i get into bed again I have to get up. At least theirs going to be pancakes so theirs something to look forward to. "I know your still sitting there get up" ass hole. But I get up none the less and walk down the stairs into the kitchen. "Well at least some one is early I would be surprised if any of my kids dont show up late."  I sit down on one of the bar stool's watching stormie cook. "Well your daughter took me out shopping all morning and so I wanted to just stay in bed but Ross was the one that pulled me out of bed and told me to come down stairs." "So I have one good kid at least" We sit there talking for just a little bit while everyone starts to enter the kitchen slowly. Ellington is the last one as everyday but by the time he comes in everyone is all ready done eating and were all just taking. "So what are the plans today" I look over at Ross " you want to do something after I have been up all morning." I am only acting like this cause I have an evil plan. "That's not what I mean't I just thought that you would like to go out and watch a movie or something." "Oh so you just though thats great" I stand up walking into the backyard right next to the pool and as predicted Ross follows after me. "Im sorry I didn't me..." before he gets the chance to finish I push him into the pool and just laugh while his head pops out of the water. "you are so in for it" I smirk a him bu I hear footsteps from behind me and Before I knew it I was pulled into the water and when my head came out of the water I see Riker was the one who pushed me in. "Riker" "hey it wasn't my idea" He points up to Bella and I jump out of the pool grabbing her. "NOOOO" I toss her into the pool. "Im just being a good older sister." Once again I am pulled back into the pool but this time there are a bunch of other people jumping in. When my head pops up out of the water I see everyone in the pool. Stormie even has her feet in the water. Well thats all she had int the water tell Riker and Rocky pulled her in the water. For the rest of the day we just spend time together in the pool and running around the house. Its overall a fun and relaxing day and I am so happy with how my life is going. 

*Well here we are and after a lot of pushing through and forcing myself not to give up I have finally finished this chapter. I am fighting off a bunch of writers block and I plan on finishing this book in the next 3 weeks before school starts. So to finish off this chapter is 1616 words, and I hoped you enjoyed it. The next chapter will have some strong emotions in it so tell next chapter. Bye bye. 

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