Birthday Wishes

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Rose's P.O.V.

It's 11:42 pm right now and I can't fall asleep. Bella is asleep next to me cause she couldn't fall asleep and so I crawled in bed with her. She fell asleep curled up on my legs and stomach so I haven't moved hoping to not wake her. I also haven't moved because about 20 minutes ago Ross called me. I didn't pick it up I just started at it scared. I haven't decided if im mad or upset about it. I have been staring at my phone ever since cause he left a voice mail. I can't bring myself to pick it up and listen. "Rose" I look down to see Bella looking up at me eyes half closed. "What are you doing awake sweetheart" "I had a nightmare" I push her hair out of her face smiling at her "What was it about" "I thought....that they had taken you again and hurt you and then you were...dead" She starts to cry and I pull her between my legs holding her close to me. "That won't happen again, im ok im not going anywhere. You can't get rid of me that easily." She lets out a little laugh and I pull the blankets over us. "You need to get some more sleep or else you will still be sick tomorrow and we won't be able to do anything" "Why were you awake" "Just thinking a little bit. Doesn't really matter go back to sleep. I love you" "Love you to sissy" she turns on her side and curls up between my legs with her head on my stomach. I have the greatest person in the whole world right here. I don't need to be worrying about Ross. Closing my eyes I let myself drift off ready for sleep. "WAKE UPPPPP" "Bella shhhh. It's to early" "Its 7am time to wake up we have PLANSSSSS" "Ok Ok I will get up" Pulling myself into a sitting position I slowly open my eyes letting them adjust to the sun coming through the window before looking at my sister who is completely dressed and jumping on the bed. "Calm down or else I will go back to sleep." She stops jumping on the bed and gets off the bed. "Get dressed mom picked out and outfit for you and hurry upppp" She points to her desk and runs out of the room. Im happy that she thinks of stormie as mom. I do to but im glad that she can finally have a real mom. I push the blanket off me and stand up walking over to the desk to find a really beautiful dress. Its pink and mid length, off the side small shoulders and there is flowers around it. This is....the fanciest dress that i have ever seen. I quickly get dresses and decide to do up my hair. I guess I am really getting in the birthday mood. Once im done getting completely ready. I stand up ready to head downstairs and face all the crazy my family has created. I take in a deep breath before turning in the kit "SURPRISE" "Man his is so...amazing. Thank you guys so much" The whole entire kitchen is decorated with balloons and streamers and so much more. "Happy Birthday Sissy" Bella pulls me into a hug and I squeeze her tight. "thank you guys so much this is all just the best thing I have ever had done for me." "Come on sit down birthday girl" Stormie points to a table and saluting I sit down before a huge plate of pancakes is put before me. We spend the morning talking, waiting, and just having a relaxing morning. "Time to open Presentssss" I shake my head I told you I don't need anything. This is all ready so much. "I tried telling my wife that but it didn't work. I have learned to just listen to her, she will get her way." "I guess, but only cause your right Mark. She would't listen to a single protest I have and it would be just wasted time." Bella hands me a box wrapped in bright pink paper with a silver sparkly bow. Unwrapping it I find a charm bracelet inside with 7 charms on it and with room for a dozen more."I have one to, their the same." she holds up her wrist showing me one exactly the same but gold instead of silver. "Thank you so much it is the greatest gift ever" "There is a pickle for the contest we had, a compass for the time we got lost looking for the secret treasure, and the snowball is when Me and Mikey buried you in snow ans then started a huge snowball fight where we won. Do you like it..." "I love it thank you." I look up to see Stormie and Mark completely confused "Who is...Mike" I knew that this would be brought up eventually but its not the easiest topic for me. "Hes our brother and Rose's twin" They still look together. I guess I should fill them in a little more. "He is my twin brother but he....left when we were younger. Its a long, long story and I will tell you all about it but just not right now...please" They both nod there head understanding. "Here this one is from Rydel she had it sent over night...Ellington told her." I all ready knew that he told her cause yesterday he called me and we talked. I also cried a little but it was nice. He is always helpful and there for me. I open the box to find 2 dresses and a necklace that says Sis for and its a broken heart. There is a note under it that says "I have the other half I am so happy im your my sister p.s I gave Bella half of one to. I hope you have a great birthday" "Remind me to thank her for this when she gets back" Stormie hands me another box this one small rectangular, not wrapped but with a Black bow on top. "Ellington gave me this before he left for you" I pull off the lid to find a old journal with a gold pen. There's a note on top that says "Sorry im not there for your birthday, I know your other journal is getting full so I though i would get you a new one. Hope you fill this will hundreds of songs or story." "last but not least the gifts from us." Stormie puts a huge book on top of the table. It is so big that I have to stand up to open it up. There is so much in the box its overwhelming.. There's cloths, jewelry, books, a bag, some keys, a fe..."what are these" Stormie jumps up and grabs my hand pulling me to the front door "Honey calm down" Mark try's to get her to slow down but she just opens the door and out parked with the other cars is a black and red trail blazer with a big yellow bow on it. "What...You really didn't have to do this." " Oh shush you are our family and you need your own car for a way to get around" I pull them both into a hug "Thank you guys" "You like mine better though...right" l pull away from Stormie and Mark and tun around to my sister bending down to look her straight in the eyes. "Of course, your present id the best of all the gifts. And it will always be the most special to me." She smiled and jumped up and down "Can we go on a ride" "Of course we can. Where did you guys have planned." We all jumped in my new car and stormie told me where to start driving and with that we were off.

*Well hello. It has been so long, but here is the next chapter. This is a cute little chapter with a little emotions and a surprise. A brother that we have never heard about...hmmmmm. I promise that we will get more on that in a little bit but for now you should be worrying about how Ross will make Rose forgive him. Well It's time for me to do a little propaganda. Please follow, vote, add, and like my story. Well that's all I have so this chapter is 1420 words, so tell next chapter my little zombies, byebye.

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