The life I never wanted

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Ross's P.O.V

Sean is a huge pain in my ass right now. All I want to do is punch him tell he wont wake up again but he is still walking. We have been walking for the longest time and It is getting harder and harder for me not to just punch him this moment. Finally he is standing in front of a house pulling out some keys. He has to be keeping Rose he, he doesn't seem like the type to have a secret bunker in the woods. She has to be here somewhere I just have to find her. I need to call some back up though I'm not dumb he needs justice but I don't need to kill him. As much as I want to I know its not the right thing. "911 what's your emergency." "This is Ross lynch the police have been looking for Rose ====. I found her and Sean I don't know where w..." "ahhhhhh" Rose what is he doing to her. Without a thought I drop the phone and barge through the front door. I just slam doors open tell I come to a door that looks like it goes to the basement. All thoughts about not killing him have gone straight out of my head all I want to do now is put him 10 feet into the ground. "STOP" Sean starts to turn around but before he can completely turn I hit him square in his jaw. "You...are...a...fucking...bastard between every word I hit him harder and harder. Rose is still in trouble so I have to stop myself. At least I got him knocked out. I scan the room to find Rose hanging from chains on her wrist and shes covered in blood. My poor Rose, I pull up the bastard to grab the keys from his pockets before rushing over to Rose. I have to be careful unlocking her chains or else I could just cause her more pain. Ok there's one now the next. "Please don't I promise that I will listen.....just pl.....plea...please no more." "Hey Im not going to hurt you" "please...I will be good just more". "Rose look at me is Ross im here for you."  I pull her head up to look into her tear filled eyes. "oh my dear Rose." "Ross" Before I can blink my eyes im on my back with arms wrapped around me. "You came...he said....he said you weren't loo....looking any more. I thought you...gave....gave up on me." I wrap my arms around her careful to not hurt her. "I never stopped looking how could I. Your the most important person to me." I know that the Police should be here any moment and that I should stay here but I need to get Rose as far away from this house and that bastard. "hey Im going to pick you up and get you outs..." What the fuck. "ROSS" Standing above me is Sean with a gun in his hands pointed right at my head. "Stop don't hurt him!" "you shouldn't have come looking for her now you have to pay." Well i don't think im getting out of this situation. I look over at Rose to see tears streaming down her face. My sweet Rose, I wish she didn't have to watch this but im not going to back down, I will look at him straight in the eyes no matter what happens. 

Rose's P.O.V.

No this can not be happening. Sean is going to kill Ross, I have to stop him. I might of run from Ross but that doesn't mean I wan't him dead. He has saved me and helped me so much and I need to do the same thing for him no matter what. "Sean wait" "Don't worry my sweet angle I will get rid of this man and we can finally be happy." I don't understand how a person could ever kill. "No" Sean turns his head to look at me but keeps his gun on Ross. "What do you mean no." I never imagined myself saying these words since I have been in this basement but if it saves Ross's life then I will do anything. "I will keep fighting you on every single thing. No matter how long you keep me here I will never give into you. Unless you let him live, If you let Ross live then I will stop fighting." "NO, Rose don't do this. Don't listen to her shoot me." "Ross shut up. Sean I will have that big family that you want, I will be your loving life and I will always listen to you. Just....Please don't...dont kill him." "don't listen to her just shot me right now." Looking at me straight in my eyes Sean slowly lowers the gun from Ross's head but quickly hits Ross with the gun across his head knocking him to the ground. "STOP. Why did you do that" I try to crawl over to Ross but im in to much pain to even crawl a little step. "Don't worry angle I won't kill him but I can't just let him go. He could tell someone else and they could try and take you away. I can't let that happen so I will have to keep him down here" No thats not the life I wanted for him. least he is is still alive and I will find a way to get him out of here. "Angle I am so happy that you have finally accepted this. I will go and get our room ready and get somethings to help with your pain." He pulls on Ross's chains before kissing me on the head. I watch as he walks out of the room before I try and crawl over to Ross. I get about a foot before I fall onto the ground. Its probably for the best cause if Sean see's me to close to Ross who knows what he will do. "Why did you do that he is crazy. He could kill you, Im not worth it." Oh my wonderful Ross, "You are so much more important to me than you think. You have saved my life so many times that I will never be able to re pay you. But If I can save your life even once then I believe that its worth it. This isn't the world that I thought I would ever be living, When I met you I had finally started to have hope when I met you. Even though I will just be a possession to Sean, at least you will be alive. No matter what price I have to pay." Ross's face completely falls and he lifts his arm as if he's going to reach it over to me but there comes a loud bang.  "What th..." The door slams open and before I can feel any pain im standing with Sean's arms wrapped around me with a knife to my throat. I would be lying If I told myself that I wasn't scared, the only thing really running through my head is that I don't want to die yet. I want to live and to live a wonderful life with Ross and his whole family. I want to go to college and watch Bella grow up. For her to get her first boyfriend, For her to go to college, get a job, and to have her own huge family. I also want to have a big family with kids and a wonderful husband. I want to be better than my own parents, I want a chance and I really don't want to die. "Sean..." "Don't just....just stay quiet." "PUT YOUR HANDS UP" The door slams open and more than a dozen guys in swat uniforms come barging in. "PUT YOUR KNIFE DOWN NOW" I have to get Sean to listen or else he will die. He will probably be shot if this doesn't stop and even though hes hurt me I don't want him to die. I can feel his whole body shaking against mine and I know he's scared. Sean does have real emotions but hes not healthy. He is mentally ill and he needs help even though he has hurt me. "Sean just listen to me. You don't have to do this." "Yes...Yes I do... They want to...take you from me." "Hey listen If you do this they will kill you. I know your scared but they can help you. Your sick and you are scared just...let them help you." His hand is still shaking but slowly I feel the knife pull away from my neck. Sean's arms drop to his side and I see the Swat men coming forward so leaning back on him I whisper "I forgive you" Before I can pull away hes pulled back from me and I don't have the will power to hold myself up. The last thing Im able to see is the ground coming full speed at me. 

*Well here is this chapter. It took so much time for me to write, more than it really should have. I had a huge time period of writers block and Im just getting over it. So I hope that you all enjoy this chapter and will stick around tell the next one. This chapter is 1568 words tell next time bye bye.

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