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Riker's P.O.V.

I watch as Rose and Ross walk out of the kitchen and out of hearing range. Once there both completely out of sight my mom starts talking. "Oh the poor girl did you see how scared she was." yes but can you blame her. from what Ross has told us her past was a bad one." "they have no Idea how bad it is. Ross only told our family the very basics that she was abused and its very jumpy nothing else. Its not up to me or Ross to tell her story, that will be for her to decide. "What about her sister Riker how is she doing" I look up from my plate letting out a small smile "She's doing good, she was scared at first like her sister. Just give them both some time to warm up to you guys." "Well she seemed like she was really comfortable with you why is that?" I shake my head at rylands question. "I don't know her sister is the same way. Maybe its because I helped Bella and so Rose trust me or maybe I am just nicer than you." Ryland slaps me at the last comment but I was expecting it. "I am tired so I think Im gonna head back to bed." Without really giving them time to say anything I stand up, put my dishes in the sink before walking out of the kitchen. I walk through the living room and up the stairs. All the bedrooms in the house are on the second floor there are 7 bedrooms in total but one of them is just used as a guest room. I don't think its going to be used though cause Bella is sleeping in my room and I don't think shes going to be comfortable being aloe for a while. When she is ready she will probably have the spare while Rose probably will stay in Ross's room. I can't really say why I think she will really want to stay in his room just a feeling that its where she feels most safe. I slowly open up my door but I stop moving when I stop in the corner of my eye something moving. I turn only slightly to see Ross's door open and inside are both Rose and Ross. I can hear a faint song playing but the thing that makes me smile is there standing there slowly swinging to the song. They seem calm and happy...Im glad that Ross is able to have someone in his life that he really cares for. With a last quick look I turn around and enter back to my room closing the door quietly. Laying in my bed curled up in the blankets and surrounded by all my pillows is Bella. Last night I woke her up really briefly and had her  change into one of my tops and basketball shorts. I laughed a little bit when I saw her in my top it was funny, it reached the top of her ankles. She seemed really tired because after she changed I put her on my bed and she curled up as fast as she could right in the center. Sighing I pull off my shirt and change into a tank top before crawling back into my bed. Luckily when I woke up I didn't change out of my basketball shorts so I don't have to change my bottoms. Like I did last night I curl up  around Bella and she curls into my chest. Smiling down at her I close my eyes wanting to sleep. 

Ross's P.O.V.

"And this is my Room the place you woke up this morning."  We have made our way all around the house. She seemed so amazed by all the paintings and detail in the house. She also commented quite a few times on how wonderful the interior decoration was and my mother will be happy to hear that. She spent every second she could to make it all perfect. "Thank you for the tour" I turn back to Rose smiling "of course I was happy to" Her hand reaches up and to skim across my collection of CD's and Records. "Where is your record player for these" "In my closet, I don't use it that often I listen to CD's more." Nodding her head she continues to look at my CD's for another moment before she pulls one out. "Mariah Carey don't seem like the type." I take the case out of her hand opening it up, taking the disk out I plop it into my computer that's sitting open on the desk. After a moment music fills the room and I turn around, slightly bending at the waist offering a hand out "May I have this dance my wonderful lady." She lets out the most wonderful laugh that is like an angles before grabbing my hand "I would love my kind  Sir" I stand straight up before pulling Rose right into my chest. We both just sway back and forth at some moment Rose leans her head on my shoulder but I don't say anything. I lean my head right against hers just enjoying having her in my arms. The song starts to come to its end and so I slowly lead our way to the bed Rose pulls away and crawls into the bed closing her eyes. I just stand in the same spot taking everything in just wanting to remember this moment. "are you just planning on standing there are you not tired anymore" "Im am still tired lost in thinking" I lay down next to her with my hand behind my head when Rose shifts over and lays her head on my chest. Using my other arm I pull her closer just taking a little time to relax.

*Well here is just a filler chapter I know boringgg. Im kidding but yea its nothing super big. I do hope you guys like this and there will be a big turn in the next chapter you will just have to wait and see. This chapter is 1036 words tell the next time all you space aliens bye bye.

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