50 votes thank you guys!

98 6 7

So this book just hit 50 votes so I want to say thank you guys for voting for my story
Jean: So 50 votes and 200 reads huh? Well obviously it wouldn't have been reached without me
Me: just stfu jean
Jean: eremika sucks
Me: You f**cking what mate say that again?
Jean: nope
Me: yeah that's what I thought so anybody else want to say anything
Eren: thank you guys
Mikasa: thanks
Armin: thank you guys very much
Marco: thanks guys you all are so kind
Ymir: thanks dudes *hugs Christa*
Christa: *hugs Ymir* you all are so kind thanks
Reindeer: thanks guys wait a minute who changed my name to reindeer?
Bertholdt: *laughs* Ha payback Reiner or should I say reindeer oh by the way thanks everyone for the votes
Reiner: two can play at that game *changes Bertholdt's name to Berty
Berty: Oh haha real funny
Reiner: *changes his name back to Bertholdt again* ok now we're even
Levi: thanks
Levi squad: thanks
Hanji: thank you my lovelies
Everyone else: Thank you
Me: wait jean you didn't say thank you so do it
Jean: nope
Me:*punches jean*
Jean: ow ok ok fine thank you guys
Me: much better...
Thank you guys again for the votes I really mean it and I'll see you guys next chapter bye bye *waves*

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