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"Worthless shit! What are you doing?" Father shouted as he cracked an empty glass bottle of booze on my head.

"F-Father! P-please, stop! You're going to hurt Oneechan!" My little sister, Sakura, stood in front of me with open arms trying to protect me from Father's wrath.

"Sakura! Get out of the way! You're going to get hurt!" My older brother, Takeshi, dragged Sakura away from behind and threw me a disgusted look as he walked away with a flailing Sakura in his arms.

Sakura is the only one in my family who actually shows some emotion to me other than disgust and anger. Takeshi hate's me with a passion and blames everything on me, even if I had nothing to do with it. Father is the worst of them all. After Mother died from a sickness, everything started to change. Father only showed emotion to Sakura and Takeshi but beats me up senseless. Sakura does everything she can to save me, but I should be the one to protect her.

"This is all your fault! Why don't you just die already!" Father spat and attempted another swing at me, but I ran away before he could hurt me anymore. I ran to that spot in the woods where I would always go, but Sakura was following behind me.

I eventually stopped at a clearance in the woods and turned to Sakura saying, "Sakura, don't follow me."

"B-but Oneechan! Y-you're hurt!" Sakura sniffled and walked up to me, ready to hug me. But I pushed her back in fear of her getting hurt from the left over glass caught in my clothes.

"Sakura, I love you. Don't forget that. And I swear, I swear on my life I will save you from Father." I wiped away my coming tears but stood confidently as I watched Sakura break down crying in front of me.


Sakura and I walked home together once it started to get dark but once Father noticed I was there, he sent both Sakura and Takeshi to sleep but dragged me with him outside.

"F-Father, where are you taking me?" I asked as I struggled to get free of Father's firm grip on my wrist.

"Somewhere where you won't be a nuisance to this family anymore." Father said, still looking straight ahead with a stone face. Realization hit me and that was when I really fought for my justice.

"N-no! F-Father! Let go of me! I'm not leaving! I-I promised I would take Sakura with me! Don't touch me Old Fart!" I screamed, making birds fly off the trees. Suddenly, Father dropped me to the ground in anger and started yelling at me.

"Wanna call me nicknames? Go ahead! See what happens!" Father shouted at me and I backed away in instinct, only to be met with steel armor boots at my butt.

"Is this the little darling we're meant to kill for you, Mr. (L/n)?" A sadistic voice called behind me and I watched Father's face in fear as he only nodded and walked away, not giving me another glance.

"K-kill? N-no, wait! D-don't kill me! I made a promise with Sakura! Father, you can't possibly be doing this to me! Tell me this is a joke! Father, please!" My pleas where silenced by the armored person dragging me into a brick building and the only thing I could do was cry for help, but no one came.


I woke up in a dark cell, prison maybe? I don't know. All I know is I need to get out of here. I made a promise and I intent to keep it.

"What a dolly, you're going to be an easy one to kill. That's no fun." I looked up to see a sadistic smirk attached to a pale face and blonde hair that was slicked back. I slithered further back into my cell in fear.

"That's enough out of you, Howzer." A bored voice joined the conversation. The voice came from a tall man with pink hair and blue eyes that stared down at me with a quizzical look.

"Aw, come on Gilthunder, have a little fun won't you." The man I assume to be Howzer, elbowed the pinkette named Gilthunder in hopes to get some sort of reaction out of him. Everything was silent for a few seconds until Gilthunder spoke.

"Howzer, fetch me my sword, I think I left it in the throne room." Gilthunder said, not taking his eyes off me as Howzer left the room without hesitation. Everything was silent as Gilthunder studied me and spoke again.

Gilthunder walked closer to the cell bars and squat down to my level and asked, "What is your name?"

I hesitated before answering, "(Y-Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)." I said, trying to sound confident like when I was with Sakura.

"Gilthunder." He responded and motioned me to come closer to the cell bars. I hesitated but came, making sure to stay a foot away. Gilthunder looked around to see if anyone was near, but no one was, so he said,

"Tell me, (Y/n). Do you want to live?"

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