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                  (Diego POV)

I bumped into this girl this morning.
She was very attractive she had a board in her hands witch really hit home for me because there are no skater girls at this school so she was an automatic babe.
I bumped into her apologized but I didn't get her name.
She stared at me as I walked down the hall and she just giggled and walked away.
I brushed it off and went to class. I decided to skip 2nd hour and go to the park but when I got there guess who I saw that girl with a Dobre twin.
I was a little furious that he got to her first so I went up to them and said "hey" the girl replied back with a "hi" Marcus ignored me witch was chill hes a bitch anyway.
I apologized again for bumping her this morning
"oh don't worry about it Im fine" she said then I asked her what her name was she looked down and sorta blushed or smiled.
"Larkin" she replies. "Beautiful" I say she keeps looking down and playing with something and I have stuff to do "Nice meeting you"
"you as well" and I walked away.

             (Larkin and Marcus POV)

"That was odd" said marcus
"He just walked up to me"
"Why is that weird?"
"We fight a lot"
"Over what?"
"Who usually wins?"
"Tbh both"
"So tell me about yourself"
"Well like what?"
"Favorite color?"
"Yellow always Yellow"
"Yours? I like them all"
"Figures for a twin"
(Laughing) "oh really?!?"

*Larkin looks at time*
"Shit I gotta go to class"
"Me too"
"Lets gooooooo"
                    (Larkin POV)

We walked back after we talked some Marcus was really sweet and cute he was really funny as well.
When I got to my next class Marcus was in with me I sat beside him and he smiled and faced me then out of nowhere "YOUR IN MY SPOT BITCHHH"
Some girl yells
Excuse me and I get up and move to the back of the room without causing more of a sene then Marcus gets up and sits next to me in the back.
The girl keeps turning around and giving us dirty looks so I grab Marcus's hand and hold it out openly on desk for everyone to see including that girl.
CLAIRISSA the Teacher yells what are you looking at!!!
"Nothing" she says and turns back around.
I drop his hand and thank him he smirks and says yea whatever for the pretty girl I giggle at this and kiss him on the cheek as soon as the bell rings and I go home.
Before I get out of the school Clairissa stops me and says "new girl you better leave Marcus alone or ill rip your hair and punch your teeth down your throat" I laugh at this and turn on my heel quick and smack her with my board I grab my cap out of my locker with the word BOY on it and skate out of the back door.
👇👇👇Her Hat👇👇👇

I grab my vape that I left outside hidden (yes I vape no Im not gay I like to do tricks)In the bushes

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I grab my vape that I left outside hidden (yes I vape no Im not gay I like to do tricks)
In the bushes.
I put my headphones in and vape and dance as I speed down the road.
I don't wanna go home yet so I take a detour and skate to the board walk over the ocean and just blow circles into the sky.
At 3:20 I start to head back after grabbing an Ice cream.
When I get home my grandparents ask me how my day was and if I liked it.
I told them I had a great day and got to know one of the Dobres they laughed and went on a date to the movies.
They were such a cute couple.

         (Lucas and Marcus POV)

We saw Larkin try to leave today but she got stopped by Clairissa and yelled at.
Larkin laughed and turned and smacked her with her board Clairissa was stunnded and ran out of school.
Larkin had her music in and just grabbed a hat out of her locker and skated out of school.
We met up with a Photographer at the beach about 15 minutes later and then I started seeing smoke rings.
I looked around and there was Larkin blowing them on the walk.
We had a photoshoot on the beach today and we couldn't go talk to her.
We watched her though and at one point she got up grabbed Ice cream chocolate from what I saw and skated towards our houses.

Please don't hate on me for her smoking and blah It won't stay long anyway well this is the next chapter I changed her name if you didn't catch it.
ill be updating everyday maybe you could vote my chapter's? Thanks for reading💖-BAHITI

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