~Chapter 1: It All Starts Out Happy...

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~Chapter 1: It All Starts Out Happy…

Annaliese’s POV:

            I looked out the window of the plane, eager to see what France looked like. Jalen and I had planned the best vacation ever. A tour around Europe! I could never have been more excited. I turned to my best friend, who was asleep. “Jalen, wake up, you dork. We’re almost here,” I hissed, poking her in the arm.

            Jalen grunted sleepily. “No, we’re not.”

            “Yes, we ARE,” I insisted.

            The announcement came on. “Three hours remaining until we reach our destination.”

            I sank into my seat as a smug formed on Jalen’s sleeping face. “Told you.”

            “Oh, shut up.”


            “Your breakfast,” the flight attendance lady said as she passed out our food.

            We thanked her as she walked away. “I bet I can finish faster than you,” I challenged her.

            “No need to bet. We both know you’re gonna win,” Jalen replied, both of us laughing.

            “Hey, you realize this is the last vacation you’re gonna have before you’re married, right?” I asked. Jalen was engaged to the one and only, Andy Biersack from Black Veil Brides.

            Jalen sighed dreamily. “Yeah. I know. He’s so special. He stopped my depression and he’s changed so much since we started dating.”

            I laughed. “How has he changed?”

            Jalen shrugged. “Just… he use to be… well, not as sensitive as he is now.”

            “Well, Kellin stopped my depression too. I don’t think I’d be here without him.”

            “Oh, so I don’t count?”

            I looked at Jalen and laughed. “You know better than that.” Then, I sighed heavily. “I still think you guys rushed things too fast. You guys have only been going out for a little over a year.”

            “That’s good enough!” she replied.

            I rolled my eyes. “Okay, whatever. I respect your decision.” I looked at the window, then back at her. “EVEN THOUGH IT’S A STUPID ASS DECISION,” I added jokingly.

            “OH SHUT UP. It’s not like you and Kellin have been going so swell either.”

            “At least we’ve been going out FOUR TIMES as long as you and Andy!” I shot back at her.

            We glared at each other, then burst out laughing. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you’re such a jerk, Annaliese,” Jalen said, patting my shoulder.

            “Well, at least I’m not a buttface like you,” I replied, also patting her shoulder. We were both silent for a moment. “What country are our boys in right now for Warped Tour?” I asked Jalen.

            “I haven’t the slightest idea,” she answered. “I’m so bad at keeping track, it’s not even funny.”


            We rode a taxi to our hotel room and settled down. “It’s early morning. Let’s go take a walk around France! Have we got any tour buses or activities set up?” I asked Jalen. She did all the wonderful planning because she is the motherly figure. Or, to be less weird, the older sister.

            “Not until tomorrow. Let’s go take a look around!”

            Jalen and I took a walk around the streets and occasionally went into stores and museums. All of a sudden, we heard a commotion from nearby. As we walked out of the current art museum we were in, the noise sounded like… rock music. “Is it--.”

            “It could be,” Jalen answered my unfinished question.

            We ran out, and sure enough, we saw the Warped Tour trailers and stands. Our hearts raced as Jalen and I ran through the stalls and people and jumped onstage, through the shrieking security. I ran into Austin Carlile. “Austin!” we both greeted.

            He turned around. “Hey! Haven’t seen you two in a while. What are you guys doing here?”

            “We were supposed to be on a vacation but we didn’t know we’d bump into Warped Tour here,” Jalen told him.

            “We were actually wondering where you guys were at right now,” I added.

            “Well, we’re going to Germany in two days and then, that’s it for this year’s Warped Tour,” Austin told us.

            “Oh, cool! We’re going to Germany after this, and then to England!” I told him.

            “That’s awesome! Hey, Jalen, aren’t you and Andy getting married?”

            I laughed and jabbed my elbow into her ribs. “Hell, yeah! I’m so excited!” she exclaimed. “I think I’ve already decided what I’ll name our children.”

            “Woah, take it easy, Jalen,” Austin said, laughing. “You’ll have plenty of time for that later. Don’t rush things.”

            “That’s what I said,” I replied. “SLOW DOWN, GIRL.”

            “How are you and Kellin doing, Annaliese?” Austin asked, changing the subject as he saw Jalen scowling at me.

            “Great!” I replied. “It’s been four years,” I hinted at Jalen, who rolled her eyes and pretended not to notice.

            “That’s wonderful! Okay, well, you girls have fun. I have to go meet up with the rest of the guys. See you around!” Austin said as he left.

            Jalen and I walked around the crowd of bands backstage. We were greeted by multiple bands and chatted for a while before finding our guys. “Andy!” Jalen yelled, finding her boyfriend, I mean fiancé, in the crowd. She ran up to him and he greeted her with a billion kisses.

            I smiled. They WERE cute together. “Hey, baby, did you miss me?” I heard a voice say from behind as arms slid around my waist. I turned around.

            “Kellin!” I screamed as I threw my arms around him. “Oh my gosh, I missed you so much.” He pulled away and planted a passionate kiss my lips. “Are you performing today?”

            “Yeah, we’re on soon,” Kellin told me. I was so happy; I did not expect to see him here! It was going to be the best vacation ever. Or so I thought.

Or so we ALL thought.

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