~Chapter 7: I Insist

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~Chapter 7: I Insist

Jalen’s POV:

            “So, I see you’re wearing my jacket,” Vic said after a long period of silence. We were walking along the streets after dinner.

            “Oh,” I said, looking down. “Did you want it back?”

            Vic laughed. “No, because then you’ll be cold.”

            I smiled. After another period of silence, I asked, “Do you have anyone you love, Vic?”

            “Well… there was this girl I really loved.”

            I perked up and glanced at him. “Really? What was her name?”


            “Was she beautiful?” Vic nodded. I smiled a little and nodded too. “Yeah?” I looked away and sighed, feeling an urge to change the subject.

            “But she--,” Vic started when another voice rang out.


            I turned my head, and to my surprise, Andy stood there. “Andy?!” I gasped. Vic stood silent as he witnessed what was going on.

            “Jalen, I’m so sorry, please take me back.”

            I glared at him. “Wow, you have some nerve showing up here.”

            “Please, I’m sorry. I love you, please come back to me,” Andy said, walking up to me.

            I shook my head. “No way. You’re in love with someone else. And if you’re going to fall in love with two people, might as well choose the second one, because if you were really in love with me, you wouldn’t have fallen for the other girl!”

            Tears clouded my vision as I heard Andy reply, “You’re still in love with me. Don’t deny yourself.”

            “Now you’re just being arrogant.” I turned to walk away, but Andy grabbed my hand.

            He leaned over my shoulder and it was only then when I could smell the strong scent of alcohol. Andy was never safe when he drank. “You’re staying with me,” he whispered.

           I turned around and backed away from him. “No, Andy. You have… uh…” I didn’t even know his girlfriend’s name. “You have someone else now. Don’t you want her? She’s probably waiting for you. Go back to her.”

            “No, I don’t want her. I want you!” Andy yelled, his voice rising.

            I screamed as Andy tried to grab me, but surprisingly didn’t. I looked up to find Vic holding him back. He was really tiny compared to Andy, but Andy was drunk and woozy so he couldn’t stay on his feet. “Didn’t you hear the lady say no?” Vic asked humorously.

            Andy turned around and swung his fist into Vic’s jaw, busting his lip open. I gasped and tore Andy off of Vic. “Go away, Andy!” I yelled. “We’re through, and I never wanted this! You made me!”

            Andy pushed me away, eager to fight Vic, but instead was pinned to the ground by Vic and I. “Andy, please go away.”

            Andy pushed us off of him and stormed off, wobbling side-to-side while walking. I looked at Vic, tears in my eyes, and threw my arms around him. “I’m so sorry,” I cried. “He hurt you.”

            “Oh, my lip? Nah, it’s alright. I don’t mind getting beat up for you,” Vic replied, laughing and hugging me back. “Now I need to walk you back! Because I’m not comfortable letting you go alone.”

            I smiled to myself and sighed, pulling away. “It’s alright. I’m a big girl; I can manage,” I joked.

            “Nope. I insist,” Vic said, laughing.

            My smile faded as I focused on his lip. I looked down and said, “Thank you.”

            Vic smiled a little and put his arm around me as we made our way back to my hotel.


            “Oh my god, what happened?!” Annaliese shrieked, after opening the door.

            Vic laughed and replied, “Oh, just ran into Andy on the way here. Wasn’t it nice?” Vic asked me as I laughed.

            “What?! Andy is here?!”

            “I’ll explain later,” I told her. “Come in, Vic.”

            I led Vic inside while I got some ointment and treated his lip. Annaliese went to go get us some drinks. I had never been so close to his face before, it was kind of awkward. “Done,” I said after applying it. I looked down at Vic.

            He caught my gaze and we sat there for a while until Annaliese came back out with some drinks. I scrambled off of Vic’s lap, embarrassed. “Thanks, Annie, uh, Annaliese,” I said jokingly.

            Annaliese shot a look at me as I smirked at her. “So what happened?” she asked. I told her about the Andy incident and how Vic stood up for me. Annaliese smiled. “Aw, how sweet, Vic!” She laughed as we blushed. But deep down, I honestly didn’t have feelings like that for Vic. Or did I? I was actually quite confused with myself.

            Vic shrugged and laughed. “Well I couldn’t just stand there and do nothing.”

            I smiled but didn’t say anything. We chatted for a while until Vic said he had to leave. We hugged one more time before he walked out into the hallway. Annaliese closed the door and sat down in front of the TV, eating some chips and flipping through the channels.

            I walked back into the bathroom to put the ointment back. I was going to wash my hands when I realized a bit of red on the sink. I looked closer and saw that it was blood. “Oh my god, please don’t be…” I walked out into the living room and asked, “Why is there blood in the sink?”

            “Oh!” Annaliese gasped. “I had a nosebleed. Sorry, I should’ve cleaned it up better.” She got up to walk past me, but I grabbed her shoulders and rolled up her sleeve, revealing the fresh cuts under. “Annaliese, why…?!”

            Annaliese looked away, crying and replied, “Kellin told me that we’re probably never going to be together again.”

            “What?! When?!”

            “Today when I was out,” she sobbed, looking back at me.

            I wrapped her in my arms and brought her over to the couch. “Oh, Annaliese…”

            “I’m so sorry,” she apologized.

            I shook my head. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here. You should’ve called me.”

            “That’s what I told YOU before you took the pills that day.”

            I cried with my best friend. “This was supposed to be a vacation.”

            “How are we ever going to fix this?”

            “At least we’re going home tomorrow. Let’s pack our bags and get ready for bed,” I told her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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