The Video

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Most people, at some point in their life, have to take a break and re-evaluate their life. I have been on that break for a few weeks now. I haven't been to the rink for almost two weeks! Ever since the World Championship, I have felt like my inspiration just blew away in the wind. Maybe even earlier than that... It used to be easy; I would find a song that I connected with and the movements would just come to me. But now, I feel like I have let down the world, because I have lost the ability to surprise my audience.

For some time I have been searching for something to help me with my inspirations, but so far I still haven't found what that something is. I am not entirely sure what it will be, but when I do find it I'm sure I'll know...

The song I chose for my free skate was about love and following the path that love makes. But the funny thing is, I don't really know what real love feels like. I mean, I love my friends and family but that isn't the kind of love I'm talking about... Now to answer any questions, yes I have had previous relationships; but I do not wanna talk or really even think about that.

There has been one thing, or should I say person, that has been constantly on my mind. Kastuki Yuuri. Ever since the banquet all I can think about is the way he danced. It was so graceful yet powerful. I know this is going to sound really creepy, but sometimes I look him up on social media to find out more about him. To try and redeem myself, I am basically just stalking a crush. I'm sure there are others out there who have done similar things. Anyway, I have found all of his accounts, but there is nothing recent. All I find are articles about his failure in the Grand Prix Final. I feel really bad for him... He must wake up every morning to see his failures. Fortunately, I have never had to feel that pain, because I was always the top! Well, except in my first competition. I got second in that.

This morning I woke up to my phone buzzing. It was Mila.

"When are you going to come back to the rink?"

"It isn't as fun with out you here!"

"Yuri seems really bored... I think he misses you too!"

"Yakov seems pretty pissed..."

The messages kept going on and on, so I put my phone on silent. I know that is rude, but I don't really want to deal with this right now. I shove my phone in my pocket, get up and make my way to the living room couch. I pull out my phone and start checking all of my social media. On Instagram, I see that Yuri has gotten a new tiger jacket, and JJ is on a date with his fiance. As I am scrolling through, Makkachin jumps up on my lap causing my phone to almost fall out of my hands. Thankfully I caught it.

"Oh Makka, you need to look before you leap!" I laugh as I pet my dogs fur. After the poodle got settled on my lap, I went back on my phone and started to check twitter.

The first post I see on my feed makes me almost fall of the sofa.

Katsuki Yuuri Tried to Skate Viktor's Free Program Stamini Vicino

What's this? I click on the video.

As the music starts, and Yuuri starts skating, I am immediately entranced.

Wow... Is this really Yuuri Kastuki? He is so... peaceful here, but when he performed at the Grand Prix Final, he totally broke down... Maybe he just has major stage fright? No, that is not it. Who is his coach? Why has he not figured out how to fix it? Has he even tried to? Yuuri is such a great skater! He is literally doing a perfect imitation of my free skate for crying out loud! How can someone let this just fly by? These are the many thoughts that zoom through my head.

Someone needs to help him... If his coach won't do it... Then I will!


*The Next Day.*

"Well, that should be it!" I say, looking at the ten boxes that I have just packed along with my carry on. "I hope that should be enough!"

I walk over to my computer and look up a shipping service to send all of my stuff to Japan. I thankfully found one that is fairly close to me so the truck will most likely come within a few hours. I text Mila that I am going to the rink today to talk to Yakov. I just hope she doesn't ask what for because I know she will literally attack me.

As I turn around, I see Makkachin looking up at me. I'm sure he thinks that I am leaving him again.

"Hey! Don't worry! You are coming with me! You will get to fly in a plane. You will also get to meet Yuuri with me! Oh my gosh I'm so excited!" I continue to ramble on to my dog, until I look at the clock. My flight is at 8:30 and it is 7:00 now. I need to give myself some time to talk to Yakov. "Looks like it is time for me to leave. Come on Makka!" I pull on my coat and scarf, and pick up my suitcase. I take one last look at my apartment, then turn to close the door. I leave a sticky note for the shipment compant saying that my neighbor has the key and all the boxes are at door.

Thankfully the rink isn't that far away from the complex so it only takes about five minutes to get there. I am greeted by the sounds of Yuri and Yakov yelling at eachother. I don't think I will ever miss this. I chuckle to my self. Since I would rather not deal with telling the team directly that I am leaving, I stand in the lobby until they are done with practice.

After everyone had gotten off the ice, I walk in and head over to Yakov. He notices me when I am about fifteen paces from him. He stops and stares at me. "Where have you been? What are you doing here?" he questions harshly.

"I need to talk to you. It is very important." I reply

"Well I haven't got all day so what is it?"

"I'm moving to Japan to be Yuuri Katsuki's coach."


"You heard me I'm leaving." With that, I walk away. I make sure to take big strides to show that I really mean what I said. I can hear Yakov groan and start to mumble under his breath. Then I hear foot steps behind me. I walk out the door and start making my way to the airport.

"Vitya! Don't Go! Stay here!" I hear my coach yell from behind me.

I turn to look at him. "Yakov, you were the best coach I have ever had. You always will be." I say as I walk back towards him.

"If you leave now, you may never come back!" he exclaims.

I drop my suitcase, and walk up to him and embrace him in a hug.

"Dasvidaniya." I kiss him on the cheek. "I am sorry I can't do as you say this time." I turn around, pick up my suit case and walk away. I never looked back to see his reaction. All I know is that he followed me to the airport because when I was seated on the plane, I could see him in the window and it looked like he was yelling. So I wave at him, hoping that he could maybe see me.

Wow, today has really been a wild day... Suddenly all the thoughts that I should have had before I bought the plane ticket started flying around my head. What if Yuuri isn't there? Of course he is there! He lives there! But what if he doesn't want me to be his coach? What if... He doesn't know who I am? Oh my gosh, he has to know who you are! He literally skated YOUR entire free program, ya dingus. Right! Wait... I'm having a conversation with myself.... This is normal, right?

I take a deep breath, they pull out my phone to put some music on. When I turn it, on the first thing that shows up is the video of Yuuri. I look at it for a second before closing the app and pulling out my headphones.

I think I have finally found what I have been looking for.


I think by now y'all have figured out that most of the italics is Viktor's thoughts. But for those who haven't, now you know!

I hope y'all enjoyed this one! See ya next Chapter!

Skye <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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