1. Hospital

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Thanks for reading guys. I'll be posting the next chapter soon, I promise. Remember to vote. Thanks for being patient! (◕‿◕✿)



Faint whispers wake me up from what felt like eternity. As I try to open my eyes, bright white lights blind me.

Where am I? I think to myself. What happened to the warm sun and my husband and Rider.

I try to remember what I had last done, but I came up with nothing. The same scene at the park kept playing in my head and I didn't know if that was real or not. I hear something or someone stir next to me. I try to shield my eyes of the light, however my arms feel so heavy that I don't succeed. Whatever or whoever was next to me made a weird noise.

"-arrr davntonriii yoo awaa..."

I stop figiting and concentrate on comprehending the funny noise.

"Ms. Davenport..."

At the mention of my name, I squint, very desperate to see where exactly I am. As my eyes slowly adjust, I see a white ceiling. I feel around and notice that I am laying on a bed. I hear faint beeping noises and slowly turned my head to my right, whincing at how much pain it just caused me. A very tall man dressed is all white scrubs is hovering over me, trying to talk to me. However his words were slurring and I wasn't understanding.

"Ms. Davenport, can you hear me?"

The question came to me crystal clear and I try to answer, but my throat feels dry. As I struggle, the man instantly notices and walks somewhere, playing with some buttons. First, he raises my bed, which gives me the view of the room I am in: a typical hospital room.

Wait what? Why the hell am I in a hospital? I think. Where's my family?

My thoughts ended when the man comes forward to me, slowly tipping the glass of water in my mouth.

"Some water miss," said the man, which I guessing is a nurse.

The cool water feels good down my throat. When I finish, I feel the urge to ask about my condition and my family.

"Excus-se m-me sir-r," I stutter slowly. Man it felt like years since my voice was used. "What-t am I do-ing in the hospi-tal?"

After pressing some buttons on the machine next to my bed, the nurse proceeds in answering my question.

"I'm sorry Ms. Davenport. I'm just a nurse checking your vital signs. I can not explain anything to you yet until you are in a stable condition. Until then, please get some rest."

More stable condition? Maybe that explained why I was hurting so much.

The nurse continues to press buttons and lowers my bed. Then he comes over and injects my right arm with a clear substance. As I looked down at my body, I noticed my left arm in a bandage and a ton of bruises on my arms.

What happened to me! I look like crap! If I look like this, what happened to Rider...and Kennith...

Whatever it was in the shot, it instantly made my body feel numb, making the pain go away. With that, the nurse left, leaving me in silence. I am in really bad shape. Before I could think of possibilities for my condition, my eyes began to feel heavy. The next thing I know, I'm falling into deep slumber.

Into darkness.

I guess darkness isn't so bad...

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