Trials and Sleezy Hoebags

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"This session has been called to resolve a troubling matter... James T. Kirk, please step forward," the booming voice of the counsel foreman called Kirk up to the defendant podium in front of the entire Star fleet academy.

"Cadet Kirk, evidence suggests there is reason to believe that you have violated the Starfleet code of conduct in section 1.73. Is there anything you care to say before we begin?" The foreman spoke to Jim.

"Um, yes. I do believe I have the right to face my accuser directly," Jim said in respond to the counselor. Several rows back from the front, the most attractive Vulcan I've ever laid eyes on slowly stood at attention and made his way towards the front.

"Please, step forward," the counselor said. "This is Commander Spock. He is one of our most pretentious graduates who also has programmed the Kobayashi Maru test and has run the course for the last four years."

"Cadet Kirk," Spock began, "you've managed to install a subroutine that therefore changed the conditions of the test."

Commander Spock was accusing Kirk of cheating in front of everyone. Though I was sitting in the middle of the stands, I could still see Jim's breathing quicken and his shoulders tense. He licked his lips before he spoke.

"The test, itself, is a cheat. Isn't it? You've programmed it to be unwinnable," Kirk said, looking to Spock.

"It creates the drama of a no-win scenario,"

"I don't believe in no win scenarios," Kirk shot back.

"Then not only did you violate the rules, but you also fail to see the point of the test in the first place," Spock spoke in an even monotone.

"Please, enlighten me," Kirk said, sarcasm thick in his voice. Though I was a little upset Jim had cheated, I still didn't want him in trouble with Starfleet. This academy was the only thing keeping him out of real trouble...

"You of all people should know. A captain cannot cheat death," Spock raised an eyebrow as he spoke, challenging Kirk.

"...I of all people..." Kirk repeated him, offense clearly on his pained face.

"Your father, through unfortunate circumstance, found himself in that very position. Clearly, not one that can be cheated," Spock talked as though he was not mentioning the deceased father of the defendant, but of any normal day conversation, no emotion in his voice.

"Furthermore, you've failed to see the purpose of the test. It is for the captain to experience fear. For one to face an imminent death, accept that fear, and keep control of oneself and one's crew. This a quality expected of every Star Fleet captain," the Vulcan made his case clear.

Bones shifted a bit uneasily next to me, rubbing his legendary hands up and down his thigh, as if he was nervous. He looked around anxiously. His actions reminded me of the first day we met; when he had sat next to me on the shuttle, apologizing for the future puke that would probably come (which didn't, thankfully). I shifted my hand over on top of his to settle him. I mouthed, 'it's alright' to him and smiled. He nodded and took a deep breath, turning his focus back on the trial.

Just as he did, a counselor member came through the doors baring a note, of which he came to the front and gave the foreman. The Foreman's eyes grew a bit bigger as he read. He set the letter down and spoke in to the microphone again.

"We are receiving a distress call from Vulcan. With our primary Star Fleet explorers in the next galaxy, we have no choice but to aid. All cadets report to hanger 1. There you will receive further instructions. Count adjourned," with a bang of the gavel, he disappeared through a door to his right. Cadets stood to their feet and began to follow orders, shuffling to their posts.

Through the crowd, Kirk stared down the Vulcan as he made his way swiftly out the door. Bones and I made our way down to the podium.

"Who was that pointy-eared bastard?" Kirk spoke heavy with hate and venom in his voice.

"I don't know... But I like him," Bones gave a half smile and ushered Kirk from behind with his hand on his shoulder.

"Hey Mag, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever," with a big smile on his gorgeous face, Jim stretched both his arms out wide and wrapped me up in them. My face met with his chest and I could smell the musty man scent coming from him, completely dominating my senses. What felt like too soon, Kirk pulled away and the warmth I had just felt was gone. A shrill, outside voice came from behind me. I turned to see Uhora walk up to our group.

"Hey, how about instead of banging my roommate and then cheating, you actually study for something next time. Might be a way to avoid all this, don't you think?" With words that shot like knives, Uhora strutted away from us, off to the hanger that awaited all the students.

"Wait, that's where you were all day before the test?" I literally felt my heart start to pound heavier than ever before.

"No, no, I can explain. Uhora came in before any fun started anyway. All that session left me with was an unquenched thirst and a stand in the hall in my underwear when Uhora locked me out," Jim spoke as if none of what he was saying was ripping my heart out, but that's just Jim's ignorance. If you're not "the hot girl" guess you're off the radar. I was so beyond frustrated, I had the overwhelming urge to just break down and cry. But I wouldn't. Not yet.

"So when you wouldn't call me back yesterday, it was because you were with some slut....." My words raged out of me. I had lost control over my filter. I couldn't get the mental image of him moaning over some slut-ball-sleezy-onenightstand-hoebag out of my head. Having Jim be mine and do those sort of things to him are dreams I've held so tightly onto for the past three years, and now it's just not even a prize to be won anymore. He's just handing himself out like teriyaki chicken samples in a mall.

"Maggs, calm down," Leo reached his palm onto my back and tried to sooth me.

"Yeah Maggie, what's the big deal?" Jim looked at me like I was a mental patient. That one look made me lose it.

"Go to hell, Jim Kirk," venom spewed from my words and I turned on my heels and walked to the hanger.

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