Lucky Jacket

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So obviously this picture has nothing to do with the book, but I just had to show you guys because it was so true😂

Song: Let it go by James Bay

Star's POV

I walked away from the party stuck in my thoughts.

C'mon Star you know better! What if someone recognized you?I

Marco's voice then interupted me. "Hey Star." He said jogging behind me until his shoulder brushed past mine.

"Hey Marco, was the party too much for you?" I joked.

"Nope, I just wanted to walk you home. And you never know what could happen in Echo Creek with a girl walking home alone and at night." He said.

I chuckled a bit at his comment.

There was a long moment of silence between us. I mostly just looked down at the floor or made sure I didn't drop my shoes, considering they were dangling from my fingertips.

"You were a really good singer up there. Like, really good." Marco said breaking the silence.

"Thanks Marco, I just feel like I need to be better. Some others think I'm not good enough." I mumbled looking up at the starry sky.

The bad boy next to me stopped completely and turned to face me. "Are you serious? Star, when I say you were really good, I wasn't just being 'nice'. Everybody else thought that."

"How do you know that?"

"Did you not hear everybody screaming after you sang. My ear still hurts from Jackie screaming in it throughout the whole song. And who says that you aren't good enough?"

Marco's POV

Star's eyes looked glossy and I knew then that I must've said something to upset her.

Her walking pace started getting faster than mine. Then it turned into a sprint.


"Star!" I yelled. I took me a realize that nobody was there to talk to.


I was finally able to get Star's number from Janna. I felt bad for making her uncomfortable yesterday, so I was going to invite her to eat ice cream.

Marco: Hey Star I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to eat ice cream. I felt bad for making you run away last night, and I would like to make it up to you

Star: Sorry about that, it brought up some memories and I didn't really want to be crying in front of a cool guy. Yeah sure what time.

Star: Also, how did you get my phone number?

Marco: Janna and I'll be at you house in five minutes.

Star: Okay thanks, 'Safe Kid'


Star: I have my ways:)

Star: *coughs* Janna

Marco: Of course. Well then, I'll see you in a bit

Star: Ok


We walked over to the window and picked out our flavors. "What do you want?"

"STRAWBERRY!!!" She yelled.

"Okay, okay! All you had to do was tell me, not scream like you're trying to talk to me from Arizona." I said laughing.

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