III - Secrets

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Earl POV

At breakfast, I still couldn't find Arma. He disappeared God knew where. I should give him a cellphone, it would be more practical. I opened another door to find it empty again.

When I was going to find him, I would make him eat all his breakfast by his nose.

He could at least write a note or something, it had been almost an hour and a half since I started looking for him and I was starving.

I entered the cafeteria hoping he would be hungry, but it looked like he wasn't. I walked to the table I usually sit at and asked my fellow colleagues.

"I think he may be at the gym, I saw someone there," one of them answered making me groan a thanks.

Why didn't I thought about this sooner?!

I walked to the gym room and opened the door. I stopped right there mesmerized by the man's elegance. Even though he was only punching and kicking a sandbag, it looked like he was dancing. He seemed so light on his feet and every punch or kick were as powerful as the last one.

Then he stopped and took out two dangerous, sharp looking curvy blades or daggers out of nowhere. He started to fight an invisible opponent and the gaze in his eyes were so intense and fierce.

He was sweating profusely and was half naked, but he didn't seem tired at all.

I walked further into the room and sat down on a chair meters behind him.

"Good morning," I greeted after awhile and he stopped right in his movement before turning around.

When he saw me, his glare softened and relaxed a little.

"Good morning," he greeted back as he lowered his arms before coming next to me and take his bottle of water. In a few gulps, he finished it entirely.

"How long have you been here?" I asked curiously as I looked at the weapons dangerously close to my face.

"Since 6:27," he replied putting the weapons down on the chair next to me.

"And where... Did you get those?" I pointed at the daggers.

"Where you found me," he simply answered as if it was the most logical thing.

I nodded and was about to ask more questions, but my stomach furiously growled.

"Hungry?" I asked him as Arma was still looking at me as if he didn't hear anything which made me even more uncomfortable.

He nodded and we left the room. He said he didn't mind if we go eating or showering first. So, too hungry to think about it, I just walked back into the cafeteria which was almost empty since it was almost ten.

I ordered some eggs, bacon and pancakes. I started eating as I waited for Arma who ordered some sausages, eggs and bacon.

"Will you like some coffee?" asked a sweet woman behind the counter.

"What's coffee?" Arma asked making me look at him wondering if he was joking. However, he seemed dead serious.

"Two coffees, please. And put the sugar, milk and cream on the side. Thanks." I ordered for both of us.

As we sat down at a empty table, I gave him his cup of coffee with everything on the side.

I resumed eating and time to time I took a few sips of my black coffee here and there.

I could feel his eyes watching my every moves. When I was about to finish, he finally touched at his food. He slowly took his fork and began to eat.

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