XX - Tasks

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Earl POV

I sat beside Kane as I watched him sleep. Time to time, I had to check if he was really breathing since his chest wasn't moving up and down at all. I had considered many times to take a bucket and throw some of the solution on him, but the bucket got disintegrated before I could read my room.

If he didn't wake up tomorrow, I'll put him back into the pool no matter what. I needed him, he couldn't die on me like that, I will not allow it.

Thinking back to what happened, he indeed did blank out on me, but it wasn't the same thing as the first time he fainted. He seemed to have been overpowered by something or someone, but couldn't fight it. He was desperately fighting against it and for the first time, I could see it in his eyes.

But against what?

Anderson and the Nikolaev told me that they knew only a piece of a whole, but without any documentation, or a living witness how was I even supposed to find the answers to my questions? Even if we did have all the clues, what can we do with it? I knew nothing about the hidden facts of the Great World War.

"You missed," said Kane making me look up. His eyes were still closed. I missed? Missed what? I waited for him to explain himself, he was maybe testing my patience? Who knew? He did weird things to me for a while now, so... "Orders are orders even if we got the remote or our body will cease to function by itself."

His eyes were still closed. Was he sleep talking? "Kane, can you hear me?" I asked hoping he would answer. What remote? How could it control Kane and the other two? "Where is the... Remote?" Please answer, please...


I jumped in joy when he answered. Okay, okay, calm down. I needed him to give me the most information as possible. I took a deep breath remembering a few details. "Give me the remote," I ordered more fiercely. I needed to be as commanding as possible as he thought me. I didn't know it may work. When he didn't answer, I repeated, "I won't repeat another time, where's the remote?"

"Hidden..." he repeated making my heart sink. "In a temple, near the Regia and the Temple of Vesta."

"Which temple? Give me a name."

"The temple of Div..." he started then I noticed that his eyes started to move frantically under his eyelids. Shit, he was waking up.

I sat back down in my chair and waited for him to wake up. A remote hidden in a temple which name started with "Div" near the Regia and the Temple of Vesta... I hoped Ashley will know what it is about. It wasn't in my field of expertise after all.

He seemed to struggle to open his eyes. I knew it, I should have put him in the solution instead. It may be because of his weakened state that he was sleep talking.

"How are you feeling?" I asked as he stared at the ceiling with unfocused eyes. Before he could say something, his eye closed. Shit, was he so weak that he couldn't even keep his eyes open? "I don't know if you can hear me, but I'll bring you back into the pool. I don't want to hear any complaints," I said as I sat up and walked toward the door. I looked one last time at the man laying on my bed before leaving the room.

Marc was outside waiting for me like a statue. "Marc," I called him.

"Yes, Boss?"

"I have a task for you," I started making him nod. I took out a document in a yellow envelope before giving it to him. "Everything is inside. As soon as you complete it, come back here. Understood?"

"Yes, Boss. I'll assign someone else to be your bodyguard."

I nodded and didn't argue since I knew it would be pointless. Marc walked away with the envelope in his hands. I just hoped it will bring its fruits. When he was out of sight, I walked toward Ashley office. I knocked on his door before opening it. She was on the phone and looked at me with a blush. It looked like she was on the phone with... Her boyfriend? I smirked at her before I leaving her alone and waited outside. She had a lover? I couldn't believe it. Not long ago, she was boasting being single all her life and look at her now. I chuckled as I shook my head. Wait until I tell that to Heather. She will never let Ashley live that down.

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