VI - In Denial

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Earl POV

Nothing. Our research gave no results. We looked at everything in the underground room, we interrogated Kane until he ignored us for the following days and we archived every document Ashley and her team found. We still had some hope, but most of the documents were degraded or heavily damaged, so we had to preserve it before trying to decrypt the text.

If only we could find anything that could lead us to the next family, a part of the puzzle would be solved. And then I would actually know more in detail what this was really about. Aaron said it was for peace, but burying three persons in a small room underground was really for peace? Or were they only sacrificial pawns? And how did they sleep for a thousand years without dying? There should be more to it. From the day Kane collapsed, he was now staying in the pool every night. He could have come back to sleep a few days... What was I talking about? It was best this way.

Yeah right...

Plus, Heather gave me her report on the chemicals and their utility when combined. Any human who stayed in that solution for more or less five minutes would be severely burned from the interior. It could be treated, but there are high risks of not being able to use they part of their body correctly anymore. And if by accident, someone stayed for more than ten minutes, death was the only answer. So, how could Kane stay in that solution all night and come out unharmed was still beyond my comprehension. Unless... he wasn't human? But when I put him under X-Rays in the room underground before his awakening, there were no signs that said he wasn't. He wasn't a robot for sure. Unfortunately, for some reasons, Kane was now refusing all the X-Rays sessions. Ashley once dragged him in the room and by some miracle strapped him on the table, but the man's strength knew no limits. He literally snapped the leather straps by effortlessly raising his arms. Then he stomped toward her and reached for his daggers before stopping in his track and glaring at her. If his glare could kill, nothing would be left of Ashley. He looked liked he was ready to kill her at any moment... Like an animal ready to pounce. Even me, who lived in an environment with death always above my head feared the wrath of the man. Fortunately, no one died or got injured, but Kane who never had any emotions showed us anger and maybe hatred? What was so important for him to hide or protect? There must be a reason to all that...

And a reason to why you want his attention so much.

Since that incident, Kane stayed in the solution for two days now. I tried to call him, but he couldn't hear me underwater. I wonder how he could stay in there for so long?

I sat down on one of the chairs next to the pool and waited. Maybe he would come out today. The solution was truly troublesome, but it is needed for his well-being. I looked at the machine we made in order to "filter" the solution. With that, we could regulate all the chemicals components and be sure that it always was optimal for him.

Bored to sit there and do nothing, I approached the border of the pool and looked down.

I immediately regretted it.

I forgot after the first day that Kane would always "sleep" naked since most people aren't allowed here. My body wasn't supposed to react like this! It was his fault to be born this perfect! Because I wasn't gay, I was straight...

I looked away from his naked body and went to examine his face. He looked so tense. Why couldn't he afford to relax even for a minute? It looked like he was always ready to go to war. He was more like a robot than a human.

But he was so handsome...

I wonder if he was in the army before? His hair looked so soft, I wanted to pass my hand through it. If I went inside for a few seconds, it wouldn't be bad... Right? No, it was too dangerous and a stupid decision. I should get a long stick and poke him until he acknowledged me. I looked around me and found that long pole used to clean the pool. I went to take it before crouching down and pushed the stick down. Gently, I pushed it on Kane's arm.

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