XVII - Breathe, Aim and Shoot

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Earl POV

I sat in front of Kane with my desk separating us. I tried to keep my calm and I hoped my anger didn't show on my face. I looked at Marc and waited for him to leave the room as he gave me a nod.

As soon as he left, I asked, "How did you get here?"

"By car," he honestly answered and for the first time in a long time, I really wanted to punch this poker face of his.

"Yes, by car," I repeated with my teeth clenched. "But how in the hell did you find this place?"

It wasn't possible or a simple task as searching on Google Maps. My father made sure of that. Unless you know this place it was nearly impossible to get here.

"I thought I proved my skills to you already," he started making me look at him intently, so he would continue to talk, but he didn't.

"You didn't answer my question, Kane," I sighed as I crossed my arms.

"I followed Ashley," he finally answered making me sigh even harder. It was true that Ashley came to see me yesterday about the Russian family, but for her to not notice... I will make sure to drill that into her mind later.

"So, why are you here?" I asked as he raised an eyebrow as if I should already know the answer. Sorry, if I don't! But to not make a fool of myself, I didn't say anything about that. "Since you're here, do something proactive."

I thought that he would have left the room after I said that, but he just pushed my chair, so he could stand in front of me. I looked up glaring at him, daring him to do something. I will show him some willpower. We had a glaring contest and that man didn't need to blink which I had multiple times. But what caught my attention wasn't that, but a familiar sensation of déjà vu. It was as if I once had a glaring contest with those eyes before. Once I realized that I couldn't... I couldn't watch into those eyes anymore... So, I looked away feeling some unwanted tears coming. I blinked fast hoping it wouldn't fall.



Why I could see that person through his eyes?!

"Why are you crying?" he asked with what I thought was a hint of worry in his tone.

Now I was crying. I was such a baby. I used my thumb to wipe the tears away and sniffed a little. "None of your business."

"Is it about him?" he took out a picture and once a glanced at it, my breathing hitched.

"H-how?" I took it from him as I looked more closely at it. I gently touched the picture of his cheek with my finger. "How did you get this?"

"I did some researches about this man," he started making me flinch. "He was working for your father but was also his friend. He took care of Shelby and you when you were little."

"Stop..." I mumbled as I could feel more tears wetting my eyes.

"He was like your older brother and you treated him as such. One day, there was a war and of course, he went to fight, but never came out al-"

"Stop!" I shouted as I stood up and pushed him on the desk with my hand gripped at his shirt collar. I could feel myself crying, but I was so angry... I was furious against him. "How dare you dig into my past?!"

Even though I was the one attacking him, he didn't lose his composure. I didn't see any changes in his eyes, he was still as marble as before. Calm, detached and cold. Yet, here I was, a bundle of emotions that I couldn't even fucking control.

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