☿uno -the break up

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.one. -the break up

                                         "You want to break up?"

I swallowed, nodding my head solemnly. I tried to swallow away the rapid beating of my heart, but it only fastened as Brandon gaped at me. I knew he would snap in a moment. Just like all the others.

I tugged at the hem of my shirt and shifted from one foot to another restlessly, feeling the weight of my body pressing my foot against my flats. The silence was eerie and the breezy wind caused me to shiver in the shorts and tank top I'd thrown on in the morning. The sky was clear and the sun was high and mighty, but the frost of winter was still lingering in town for the second week now. I hoped no one was able to see us in this heated situation through the open windows from the gym, but I could hear lingering, hushed voices.

The other students were probably inside, enjoying their greasy lunch while I was about to get scowled by another one of my angry exes. Brandon stared at me with such huge eyes, I thought they would bulge out but then he blinked and I found myself relaxing. I found myself shrinking backwards due to the leanness of his body and how threatening he looked with his bulky biceps. His mouth snapped shut and open, shut and open before he was finally able to muster up the words swirling in his mind.


"It's just that-" I was interrupted by a bitter laugh, so bitter it made me wince.

"Oh, so it is really true."


"You really are a Heartbreaker, aren't you? A little, snarky, bitchy Heartbreaker." He spat, glowering at me with a cold scowl. All the cuteness I thought he had was covered up with pure hatred and disgust.

He let out another bitter laugh, shaking his head doubtfully. "I should've listened to Chad. He really was right." Chad had been another guy I had dated, but eventually had dumbed because he was just too proud about his "pure football blood". Brandon had fallen for me without even me trying, and although he was less obsessed and was fairly cuter than him, it pained me to break up with him only because he was another typical "football guy" (and because he wasn't the one I was looking for).

"Brandon, I.... look, I know sorry doesn't help, but I'm still going to apologize, " I paused, making sure I was allowed to speak by making sure he wasn't burning me down with a glare, "you really are a nice guy, and you're really cute and all, but... you're just not who I was looking for."

"Then who is it you're looking for?" He said, almost pleadingly now, "Is it because of football? Do you not like it? Should I quit? I'll change for you, Esme. I'll make this work, please. Just tell me what you don't like about me, and I'll fix it up right now."

I sighed. "Brandon-"

"I'll even give up football."

"No!" I shouted, surprising him. I cleared my throat, blushing. "I-I meant, I don't want you to quit football just because I don't like that about you."

"You don't?"

"That's not what I'm saying! I'm saying that even if you do try and change, it's not going to help in any way. I've made my final decision, and don't quit football. It's been your dream ever since you were five," I said softly, "Look, you're really sweet and cute, Brandon. But, you're not who I'm looking for. There's probably this amazing girl waiting for you out there, ready to be swept away by her feet by you. I'm sorry if I hurt you and I completely understand if you start to hate me. But, I'm breaking up with you, right now. I'm sorry."

There was a deafening silence before I was pushed agains the brick wall, taken by surprise. Both of his hands were placed at the side of my head, and a wave of panic ran through me but then I realized that Brandon never had been the type to be violent in any way (only if he was in a fight and was eager to win). "Brandon?" I asked, my face only inches away from his. I could smell the cologne of the football team, see the slight dirt spots on his jersey and how smooth and perfect his skin was from nearby.

He looked up, his eyes brimming with tears, holding so much sadness it almost made me want to take back my words. But I knew he wasn't the one for me and that he deserved someone so much better. He would eventually move on. His mouth quivered and he leaned forward, only to press his cold forehead against mine.

Squeezing his eyes shut, he whispered, "I wish it was you."

I chuckled, "Life doesn't work this way. And everything has a reason. Just move on, okay? And eventually, one day, you'll meet an amazing, utterly beautiful girl you'll want to cherish every single minute of your life. And you two would just click, like you were made for each other."

I felt his warmth radiate from me but I made no move to move closer, even with all the breeze attacking my bare skin, although he was currently shielding me with his lean body as it stood in front of mine.

"It's not going to be easy," he whispered, "but yeah, I'll eventually move on. You've treated me well, Esme. And I thank you for that. And I won't hate you. You seem like a really cold heartbreaker, but I know there's a story behind all of that. Well, anyways, we can still be friends, right?" His pleading eyes found their way into mine, the aura of cuteness enveloping him once again and I couldn't help but to pinch his soft cheek.

"God, you're so cute!" I giggled.

A taint of blush appeared in his cheeks but he playfully frowned. "Answer my question."

"Of course we can be friends! And thank you, for not flipping out like the other boys I'd dumped before."

"Well, I don't blame them. You've got the nerve to break up with your boyfriend almost as soon as you started dating him like it's as easy as pie."

I blushed, shifting uncomfortably. "Um, well-"

"I'm just joking, sheesh. Anyways, see ya later, alright? And don't cry over me when you see me on the football field in my pool of glory." He leaned backwards and started walking away, sending me a quick wink over his shoulder before his tousled mob of brown hair disappeared behind the front doors of the school building.

Watching him go, I found myself glad that he hadn't flipped me off like any other boys had done. At last, I'd earned a decent friend, who would possibly help me find my lover and understand why I was treating boys this way once I would be able to open up to him.

And I looked forward to that.

Now, I thought, heading back in, which boy is next?

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Changed the name of the boy because SOMEONE *COUGH**COUGH* couldn't stop thinking about HSM GOD JUST LEAVE ME ALONE ELLE jokes I understand.

Forgot to change the cover until yesterday or smth lol :P (ik it's not funny)

I know this chapter is short, but hope you enjoyed it!

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