☿dos -the new target

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two. -the new target

                             Daniel Jackson.

Plays the piano so takes part in the orchestra club. Half British. Brown hair. Green eyes. Lean body. Not muscly yet not skinny. Girls find him attractive because of his a) british accent, b) voice, c) skills on the piano and d) warm and kind charisma. However, he doesn't seem to be willing to date anyone ever since Mira, his girlfriend, left town without a single word of goodbye at the start of freshman year, breaking not only his heart but also his trust for anyone in the upcoming future. He's nice, warm and kind, but any word of his past and he ignores you forever. It's hard to get close to him although he's nice to everybody because of his lack in trust. Only friend he's really close to: John Hastings. Words say that they've been close ever since 7th Grade middle school, so he knows every single thing of his past and locks it away under Daniel's request. They seem to be like the same person, however Daniel is more open than John whereas John is more threatening and protective. So many girls had tried to get Daniel to open up to them, but miserably failed after John told them to leave him alone and stop with all the fuss.

I knew that John was going to scold me if I tried to talk to Daniel, but I was willing to give it a try. I was willing to do anything to not let John get in the way and bother us. Maybe I wouldn't have to date him to know that we weren't meant to be together. Maybe I could just befriend him and realize that he wasn't 'the one' for me. Maybe I didn't have to date him to know so that John wasn't going to kill me afterwards. I wasn't going to knock him off right after that; I was willing to stay friends with him, just like Brandon.

Stepping into Geography class, I realized that Daniel was in this class too and immediately looked for his seat. Fortunately, it was empty, so I sat myself down on his seat on purpose. There seemed to be almost no one in the room apart from some students. I ignored the questioning looks of the others, and waited patiently for Daniel to come through the doors. Student after student came rushing in, but there was no sign of him yet.

Then, Mr. Gom came hobbling in, holding his briefcase in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. His pale, rough skin seemed even paler than last week and he seemed to age every single minute of each day. His hair was white and the top of his head was bald. His back crunched over and his body shaking the slightest bit, it seemed that he was about to collapse any second. But nobody worried anymore because Mr. Gom always found a way to return back to normal once he started to have a huge coughing fit or struggled to stand up from his chair.

Placing his coffee slowly on his table, he hobbled back to the door and was about to close it when Daniel and John came rushing in, their cheeks red and out of breath. Mr. Gom scowled but let his hand hover on the door frame wordlessly. Sending him an apologizing look, Daniel came rushing to his table until he realized that there was someone sitting in it.

Raising his eyebrows, I was blinded by his attractive looks but fought to stand my ground. Pretending to not notice, I raised my eyebrows back, stopping in mid-air like I was about to get something out of my bag.

"Um, I think you're in my seat." Daniel whispered, a slight smile evident on his lips. I let my eyes hover over his lips before they returned back to his kind eyes.

"Oh." I mumbled, pretending to be dumb-founded. Blushing automatically, I started shoving all my stuff into my bag but miserably ended up pushing them off the table. Immediately, Daniel crouched down and began picking them up, chuckling silently.

What a gentleman, I thought, but realized what I was supposed to do now. "Sorry," I whispered, blushing harder, I bolted out of his chair, and crouched down, only centimetres away from him. When he was finished picking everything up, he raised his head and smiled, overwhelming me with warmth and kindness. From so near, I could really see the green of his eyes and the smoothness of his skin. Again, fighting the urge to reach over and caress his cheek, I hestitantly smiled back and grabbed my things from his soft hands, letting them effectively linger in his for a moment before slipping away.

"If you're done flirting over there, I would like to start my lesson." Mr. Gom croaked, causing the rest of the class to chuckle. Blushing again, I avoided Daniel's eyes and slipped into my table right next to his, ignoring the burning gaze of John right behind Daniel's seat. I already knew what he was trying to tell me.

But Daniel seemed to think otherwise. Letting his eyes linger on me for a moment before returning to the front of the class as Mr. Gom started scribbling something down on the white board, he let his warmth and kindness touch me from within. Unfortunately, John wasn't willing to stop staring at me warningly just yet.

It seemed to go on forever, until he finally dropped his gaze and started scribbling something down on a piece of paper. Then, he slipped it to Daniel, who opened it under his table and read it, frowning. I could see all of this at the corner of my eyes without turning my head or moving my eyes from the board.

Writing a reply down, Daniel slipped it back to John when Mr. Gom was facing the board with his whole front for a moment. John read it and immediately scowled, shaking his head. Once again, writing a reply and slipping it to Daniel, he gave Daniel time to read it but was surprised when he scrunched the note up in his hand, shoving it into his bag without a single glance towards John. Scowling, John stared at me before sighing and never letting go of that scowl until the end of the class.


okay, I know, this chapter is really really really really really really really really short buuuut I promise you (guys) the next chapter will be longer and if it isn't i'll let you guys kick my ass.

Dedication to my new follower wey heyyyy!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and see y'all!!

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