Part 1

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When I woke up, Jughead was gone from behind me, I figured he must've gone home and sat up yawning. I stretched and opened my eyes, but when I looked at the end of my bed, Juggy was sat on a chair backwards. I jumped out of my skin, his head resting on his hands on the back of the chair. He still didn't have a top on, and he had a piece of gum in his mouth. He began to stand up.
"Good afternoon sleeping beauty." He said grinning, I rolled my eyes and got out of bed and went to the mirror. I brushed my hair and opened my draw for some clothes to go out in.
"Is dinner still on tonight?" I asked, he nodded.
"Yep if you still want to go." I smiled and nodded, picking out some dark skinny jeans and a T-shirt with shoulder sleeves. I pulled off my tshirt and put the fresh one on. Then took my joggers off and put the jeans on.
"You've got a good body too." Juggy says, very matter of factly, I laughed.
"Thanks, I think." He picked up his top and rolled it in a ball and chucked if back into his room, through the windows. I sat on my bed.
"My parents had an argument last night." I said quietly, he looked me, confused.
"Why didn't you come over and tell me?" I shrugged, my heart picking up.
"I don't know I didn't want to wake you I guess, besides I'm not sure how much you would've been able to help." He stood up from the chair and sat next to me. He looked at me, I could tell he was annoyed, upset. I've been able to tell all of his emotions for the last 14 years.
"Even if I can't help you, I'll always want to try." I looked down.
"I know.. I'm sorry." I looked back up and picked up my phone, checking the time. It was 3:45, we had hours till we went out.
"Is your Netflix working?" I asked him, breaking the awkward silence.
"Yeah. Why, isn't yours?" I shook my head,
"I haven't watched last night episode of the vampire diaries and I'll loose it, if anyone spoils it."
"Oh ok we'll go across to mine while we wait to go out then." I nodded, and we made our way over to the window. The conversation about my parents made things kind of awkward. When we got across into his room he picked up the top he earlier threw, folded it up and put it in his draw. Looking around that was the first top he'd picked up in weeks.
"I need a shower, you know the Netflix password right? I'll be out in a sec." I nodded and flopped down on his bed and turned the tv on, Juggy disappeared off into the ensuite bathroom in the corner of his room. I got 5 minutes into the vampire diaries and couldn't cope with the mess. I left it playing and half watched it while I set to work tidying his room. Some of the stuff in his room was disgusting, mouldy socks, old rotting food, two year old magazines. I started to tidy the massive heap of crap on his bedside table, when I came across an empty condom packet. I yelped out in surprise and cleared a space around it, instead of picking it up and banged my fist on the door of the bathroom.
"Hurry up Jug! I need to talk to you.. Now!" I heard a muffled call back.

I sat and, tried, to watch the vampire diaries for another few minutes before Juggy came out with a towel wrapped low around his waist. I'd seen him like this so many times before, yet it never got easier to breath. I dragged my eyes up to his and raised an eyebrow,
"So what, sorry, who were u doing last night?" He looked at me confused.
"Used condom," I pointed at it lying on the desk. "You said you couldn't come out last night, we hardly spoke at all last night. And you've been acting weird." I stared him down. "Who?" His mouth hung open, he tried to speak a few times but quickly stopped and thought.
"Um.. it was.." he looked down, "Ashley. She was round yesterday and she brought it, and things escalated." I shook my head and leaned against the wall, he approached me and put an arm above my head, propping himself up over me.
"Look I'm sorry I know you don't like her and I don't really like her either, I don't know why I did it!" I glared up at him.
"If you don't like her then why was she round?" I questioned.
"A school project." He said and my eyes hardened again.
"Don't even try play that bullshit with me," I said trying to stand up and walk away. But he put the other arm on the other side of my head to stop me.
"Look I know it's not up to me what and, who you do, but seriously, the one person I do not like at all!" His eyes wondered from mine to above my head, and back, his jaw was tight, jawline viable. Towel inching down every movement.
"I know, I'm sorry it wasn't a project, you know that, but I don't like her.. she's, just hot I guess." I raised my eyebrows.
"Well that helps!" I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes, his eyes wondered to my lips for a brief second before returning to my eyes again. I looked down, his towel was giving out.
"Jug, sort your towel out before I get another dreaded eye fall please." I'd had many of those in my time and he'd had his fair share as well. He sighed and turned around, undoing and redoing the towel, making a half attempt to cover himself. I stayed where I was against the wall, thinking.
"I'm going back, I'll watch the episode tomorrow and I'm too tired for dinner." He tired to argue but I just kept walking, so he didn't. I climbed back through the windows and stripped off what I was wearing and changed back into my original trackies and lose top. I didn't bother shutting my curtains, that was too petty, even for me. I got my phone and connected it to my speaker, playing 'this could be us' by Rae Sremmurd. I turned it up and picked up my iPad and started on my chemistry homework. 'This could be us but your playing.' The song went and I instinctively looked over at Jughead window. He was still without a top, but had progressed to put some jeans on. He was looking at me, so I turned around to face the other way. He was either grinning or glaring at me but my pride was too high for me to turn around and check. The next song came on, 'You like me' by Paris Jones. I heard my window creak and open and soon I heard Jughead clear his throat.
"I'm here you know." He said, after a minute or two, frustrated at my stubbornness.
"I know.." I mumbled, not bothering to turn around.
"Just look at me please so I can talk and explain myself."
"There's nothing to explain you slept with Ashley, it was your choice, nothing to do with to me, and even though I hate her you still did anyway. I already got it." I said this as I turned to face him, I had my lower lip hooked in my mouth, chewing it, from out of habit when I'm annoyed. He sighed.
"Yeah I know and I'm sorry I wish I could take it back..."
"But you can't. It's too late now." I interrupted, I was winding him up now.
"I'm sorry, it's just the totally wrong person to do it with." I clarified, looking down at my iPad again. Juggy came and sat next to me, on the bed, lifting my chin up so I'd look at him.
"I'm sorry." He said again, I just chewed my lip. I could feel my wall of pride being slowly taken down brick by brick, so I turned away. He chuckled.
"You know just cause we 'don't have feelings for each other' doesn't mean this won't work," he said before leaning down to my neck. His soft lips met my sensitive neck, I know I wasn't supposed to, but I did get butterflies from him doing that. One good thing about him dating other girls, he learns things and we've agreed that we can practise, PG, things on each other. He brushed my hair out the way of his path. He kissed lightly up to my ear, then he gently traced his tongue over the length of it and lightly breathed on it. 'You like it girl,' the song goes, adequate, I thought. He pulled back, spinning me to face him as smoothly as he could.
"So what do you think of my new trick?" It doesn't help my 'forbidden feelings' for him, I thought. I smiled weakly instead,
"Lucky girls." I winked and laughed, I saw his shoulders relax.
"Are we good then?" He clarified, i sighed and shook my head.
"I've not forgiven you," I said, "but I'll stop ignoring you."
"Ok.. it's a start. I was thinking maybe we order a pizza instead of going out?" He suggested, I nodded.
"Sounds good." I said. So we ordered two pizzas and sat on my bed for hours, eating pizza, listening to music and talking.



This part sucks I'm sorry the next part WILL be better I promise

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