Part 3

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I woke slowly, the sun through the window awaking me. I yawned and stretched, my arms in the air, I noticed Jughead wasn't where he was last night. I checked the bathroom and he wasn't there, I got my phone out and texted him. His phone buzzed from next to the bed, if he phone was here, he couldn't, wouldn't, have gone far. So I settled back on the bed and put an episode of Rick and Morty on. I was laughing at the show when Jug walked back in.
"Whatcha laughing at?" I nodded at the screen and he came to sit down with me. I snatched a quick glance at him, but in the second I looked at him, he caught my gaze. He grinned and turned back to the tv, but my stare lingered.
"What's up?" He asked without even needing to look at me.
"Where were you this morning?" I asked, "you're never out of bed before you need to be."
"Just putting some food on," he explained without taking his eyes off the tv screen and then realisation dawned on him. "Shit!" He exclaimed, leaping up and racing out the room. I laughed, he'd forgotten the food no doubt. I got up and pulled a jumper on from the floor, even though it dangled down past my shorts I still kept it on. I made my way out the room and downstairs, and coughed as I went into the kitchen, smoke thickened the room and limited my view. I stepped forward, bumping into to Jughead, I quickly stepped back, finding the kitchen table to sit on. Once the food was out the oven, Jughead open all the windows and flapped a tea towel trying to clear the smoke. After a few minutes of struggle, the room was finally clear, Jug turned to me and grinned.
"I think you need new smoke detectors." I said laughing, he nodded in agreement before gazing broken-heartedly at his food.
"I'll put some more in I think." He told me, I raised an eyebrow uncertainly. He glared at me jokingly, before approaching me, "is there a problem with my cooking?" He said eyeing me up and down, he put a hand either side of me, his face inches from mine, he was joking, but to me he was stealing all my air leaving me unable to breath. I opened my mouth to reply but couldn't speak, he was just too close. So I just shook my head. "Good, I didn't think so." I just about mustered a grin before excusing myself to the toilet. I bent over the sink, and turned the tap on, splashing water up on my face, I breathed heavily, mentally cussing myself and telling myself to get it together. I'd never been like this around him before, so why now? I used a towel to dry my face and flushed the toilet even though I didn't use it, but so it looked like I did. I stepped out on shaky legs heading back into the kitchen.
"So what are you making this time?" I asked sitting on the side in the kitchen. "Pancakes," he replied with a smile. I laughed quietly, I wondered how that was going to turn out. Jughead got on with making us 2 pancakes each, while we chatted about general topics. Once the pancakes were ready he piled them up on a plate and set them in the middle of the table, placing another two either side, one in front of my space and one in front of his. I sat down and picked up the too pancake, I spread a layer of sugar over it and put a bit of chocolate source on as well. I rolled up the pancake and tried it, he hadn't done that bad a job to my surprise.
"Not bad!" I said through a mouthful of pancake. He chuckled and nodded.
"Thank you." He said before trying his own. We didn't talk much while we were eating but once we were done I got a text from my mum saying we were going out and I needed to go home. I said goodbye to Jug and left, through the front door this time.

When I got in I went into the lounge to find out where we were going.
"Mum?" I said as I went in, "where are we going?" I asked; she looked up from East Enders and looked at me.
"We're going to meet Sarah and Paul at the social club." I nodded, we didn't often go to the club, so I didn't know too many people there, and I often met someone new. I decided to go up to my room to shower and get changed. I wore a pair of fairly short denim shorts, a strap top and a big baggy jacket hoodie over the top. I put a tiny bit of make up on but not too much, I pulled my hair up in a messy bun and went back downstairs. My family were all getting ready to leave, my mum, my dad and my little brother and sister. My brother, Bailey was 10 and my sister, Jess, was 8, we got along most of the time but Jughead was more of a sibling in all honesty. We all piled in the car, recently my sister stopped using a booster seat so it wasn't as packed in the back of the car nowadays.

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