Part 2

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The next few days things were tense between us, because of Ashley, but soon enough things were back to normal.

"Do you wanna come round and watch that vampire diaries episode you never finished?" I sat up from leaning my head on my school desk. Jughead look at me expectantly, I fanned my face with my maths book, it was at least 30*. We were having a heatwave and the whole town were just skin and sweat.
"Um yeah sure, as long as you have a fan." I said, he grinned.
"Don't worry, I invested in a new one as soon as I heard about this damn thing." He said swinging his hand on the air, indicating the heatwave.
"Be at the window for half four." I nodded, resting my head back ont the desk, a hot flush taking over me again, I groaned loudly and Jughead laughed walking away.

At quarter past four I got home and went straight up to my room to get ready, I tore of my now sweaty shorts and strap top. I grabbed a towel and got into the shower. I turned on the shower and boiling hot water poured out, so I waited for the cold to kick in, but it didn't. I sighed and wrapped the towel around me. I went over the widow, staying hidden behind the wall, poking my head round.
"Jughead!" I hissed, no reply. "Jughead!" I repeated louder. I sighed, picking up a fresh pair of shorts and a crop top, I pulled them on. I climbed across the windows and scanned the room for Juggy, he wasn't there. On instinct I stripped my clothes off again and made my way into the shower room and turned on the shower. To my relief there was cold water this time, I stepped in and washed the sticky sweat off of me. I heard Jughead come in after a few minutes in the shower.
"Emily?" He called to me.
"Yeah. It's me. Sorry, my shower had no cold water."
"Ok." He said, I heard the bed creek, so I assumed he was listening to music, as he always was. I turned the shower off and stepped out. I reached out for my towel on the rack, but it wasn't there. I swore under my breath as I realised there was no other towels in the room. I thought back to taking my clothes off in the bedroom.
"Shit." I opened the door a crack and peered around at Jughead. He was listening to music, he was leaning back on his pillows with his eyes shut. I called him a few times, but got response. Maybe he was asleep. Ha. I wish. I took a deep breath and located my clothes, I placed my arms and hands in a way that they would cover me most. I shut my eyes and made a run for it. Typically, at the change of atmosphere Jughead opened his eyes, his eyes widened at the sight of me. Then he yanked his headphone out.
"What the hell are you doing?!" He wasn't angry, or shocked. He was greatly amused. I grabbed my clothes, turning my back on him and slinking to the floor I pulled the shorts on and the crop top. I picked up my bra and pants before returning to the bathroom to fully change.
When I came out Jughead was stood opposite the door, with a very smug expression on his face.
"So, do you want to explain yourself?" He said. I glared at him and made my way over to the bed.
"I left my towel at home, and my clothes on the bed. And you!" I said jabbing a finger to his chest. "Have no towels in there!" He smiled worryingly.
"Do you want to accuse me of your problem again?.." he joked threateningly, and he made his way towards me. I back away, moving along the bed. Just as he almost reached me, I fell from the end of them bed and fell on my back with a thud. The impact winded and knocked the breath out of me, then the look Jug gave me took my breath away a second time. I gasped in a breath, and tried to recover my heart from the fall and how annoyingly hot Jughead looked. He held a hand out for me, and I grabbed it, pulling myself up. Once we were stood facing each other he didn't let go of my hand, he held on to it and put his other hand on my lower arm. I rose in goosebumps,
"Are you ok?" He asked, I nodded, why was his touch effecting me so much.
"Are you sure?" He searched my eyes, genuinely concerned. "Please say something," he said after I didn't say anything.
"Yeah." I said, "I'm fine don't worry." I couldn't work out whether I wanted to snatch my arm away or leave it there for his touch to take over. He smiled,
"good." I bit my lip, he looked at my lips and clenched his jaw, looking past me.
"The vampire diaries?" He said, dropping my arm suddenly, and moving swiftly away. I nodded.
"Um yeah." I went and lied down on the left side of the bed, Jughead laying on the right side, next to me.
5 minutes into the vampire diaries I instinctively moved my head from the pillow to rest it on his shoulder. He shuffled around a bit, to put his arm around me. This is why people constantly mistake us for a couple, as we do this at the cinema as well as at home. We once faked him asking me to be his girlfriend to get a free desert at the local restaurant, it worked though!

3 episodes into the evening I fell asleep on Jughead's chest, it wasn't even that late, only half nine. But none the less I still fell asleep.

At about one in the morning I woke up, careful not to move in case Jughead was asleep, I glanced over at him. He eyes were shut and his chest was rising up and down in a slow rhythm. His arm was around me, I didn't want to wake him so I decided to go back to sleep. My parents knew how close me and Juggy were, they'd know that if I wasn't at home then I'd be here. It's never concerned them how close we are as we've grown up like it so they got used to it as we grew.

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~ Tasha

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