Yata Misaki

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(Y/N)'s Pov

I walked down the street following my friends. Shiro and Neko were in the front, she clung onto his arm as she pointed at random objects. Kuroh walked on his right and I walked behide the three of them. I smiled and looked up at the bright sky. Soon looking back down and putting my hood back up, it covering most of my face.

I stopped and looked around, causing everyone else to stop.

"Everything okay (Y/N)?"

I stayed silent but then slowly nodded. "Yeah... I just got that weird feeling that somebody is following us but it's probably nothing." They all nodded and continued to walk. I stayed back for a moment, looking once last time before I caught up with them.

I heard rolling behide us and just as I turned around a guy came skateboarding up. I jumped out of the way and looked up to see him getting ready to swing his bat at Shiro.

"Shiro! Duck!" I yelled.

He quickly turned around and Kuroh jumped in front of him, blocking the attack with his sword.

"You're dead!" The guy with the skateboard yelled at Shiro.

I looked around and more of the Red clan surrounded us. I growled and shot up, tackling some guy who was about to pounce on Shiro. He groaned and I punched him in the nose. The guy with the skateboard came charging at him again and I shot up, punching him the gut. He was about to punch me when my hood fell and he instantly started to blush.

"Y-you're a g-girl?!"

I nodded and smirked. So he's shy is he, good to know. I stepped foward and brought my fist up, punching him again. As he was about to go run at Shiro I ran to him and pecked his cheek, causing him to back away and fall.

"(Y/N)! Get them out of here!" I nodded at Kuroh and stood up, grabbing Shiros and Nekos hands. I started to run down the street dragging them along with me, a few of the Red clan members chasing after us. I dropped there hands and we ran faster.

I slammed into Shiros back, letting out a huff as I looked around. We were surrounded. Two guys charged towards us and I knocked one down, kicking him in the face. I drew my knife and looked at the next guy, getting into a fighting stance. He came running towards me and I swung my knife, slicing him in the chest before I kicked him in the right knee hard.

Something hit the back of my head and my body started to fall down to the ground. "Run!" I yelled before everything went black.


I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was in.... a bar? Yes it was a bar, I could tell by all the booze behinde the shelf and the bartender behide the counter. I groaned and looked down to see that my arms were behide my back, tied up and I sat on a chair.

"Ah, I see you're finally awake miss." The bar tender looked at me, as well with the five people who were in the bar. "Are you okay?" I just nodded.

"Where is he?!" The guy with the sunglasses yelled.

"Who? And who the hell wears sunglasses inside?" I asked.

The guy ignored my comment. "The murderer."

I glared at the man. "He's not a murder!" I hissed. "He's a good guy!"

"Here let me try San-chan." The guy looked me in the eyes. "Where's your friend? We won't hurt hi-"

"Like hell you won't!  I won't say anything and that's a promise... Now get outta my face fatso or I'll headbutt you!"

He slowly backed away and the bartender stood by the door. "Come on, Chitose found them again. Yata stay here and guard here."

Yata...Misaki Yata the vanguard ...that's why he looked familiar.

"W-hat why me?" He yelled. The bartender just gave him a look beflre exiting the bar with the rest of the people.

I smirked and looked at Yata who just blushed and sat down at the bar. I smiled and decised to use his shyness to my advantage.

"Yata-san!" I called out and he snapped his head to me as I started to try to undo the rope tied around my hands.

"W-what do you wa-want!"

"Come here and I'll tell you a secret... about Yashiro Isana." That caught his intrest.

He stood up and walked towards me, standing a meter away. "What."

"Come closer or I won't tell you~" He slowly stepped closer. "Closer!" I whined and he was now infront of me, toes touching. "Closer!" He groaned and bent down so our faces were inches apart.

And he was blushing. Good.


"Yashiro is innocent, you got the wrong guy idiot."

He backed away and glarrd at me, causing me to chuckle. "Aweh, you're cute when you're mad!"

"S-shut it women!"

"But it's true Misaki~"

"Don't call me that!"

I smiled. "Or what Misaki ?" He didn't reply, he just walked away.

The ropes slowly fell from my wrists and I smiled in success, standing up and sneaking up behide him. I wrapped my arms around him and he shot up, causing me to laugh.

"H-how'd you- nevermind! Get back here!"

As he was about to grab my arm I leaned in and kissed him on the lips. He blushed more and I ran to the door, knowing that would distract him.

I opened the door and looked at him. "You really are cute, not going to lie about that... Till next time Miskai!"

~End of Oneshot~

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