Saruhiko Fushimi

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•This was requested by Kiki23245

(Y/n)'s Pov

I jumped off of the back of Yatas sskateboard and smiled. "Thank you for the ride.. I'll see you after school dipshit."

Yata nodded. "Yeah yeah loser, I'll be here when it ends to pick you up."

I nodded and gave him the peace sign, heading towards the school. Yata taking off. Once he was out of view, I turned around and changed my path. Heading towards Saruhikos apartment.

A smile made it's way onto my face as I stood in front of his door. I took the key out of my wallet and unlocked the door, slipping in.

"Hiko-chan, I'm here! Where are you at?"

It took him a minute but he walked out of the bathroom. Only a towel around his waist. I blushed and he smirked. "Hey (nickname)." He walked up to me and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "I'll be right back."

I nodded and sat on his couch as he walked to his room. I placed my phone, my wallet and his spare key on the coffee table.

"What took you so long?" He asked, sitting down next to me.

"Yata was takimg forever."

He nodded. "Tsk, you're 17, he shouldn't have to bring you to and from school."

I hummed in agreement. "Agreed but after that gang attacked me, he's been doing that.. Only until I can accept Mikotos power. He's only protecting me and looking out for me like an older brother should."

"As I keep telling you, you should join Scepter 4." I looked up at him. "You'd get to see me more~"

I nodded. "That is true but Homra has been my home since we three joined. I love them and it will hurt them."

"Tsk, but you don't love me enough? I see how it is."

I sighed. "You know it's not like that-"

"No I get it. They're more important to you than I am, tsk, I should of known this by now." He was about to stand up when I pulled him back down and straddled his waist, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Baby, you know that's not true. Yes, Homra has a huge chunk of my heart but so do you. I love you with all my heart. Do not doubt my love for you."

He smirked. "You just fell into my-" He placed his hands on my butt and pulled me closer until our chests were together. His face going up by my ear. "You just fell into my plan~" He then bit my earlobe, causing me to gasp and blush madly.


His smirk widened. "Well, I knew you would get int this position if I said that shit."

I blushed. "Saruhiko!"

He nodded and moved the hair away from my neck, starting to kiss my neck. "You're... mine.. you... got.. that?" With each pause, he sucked harder and added in a few bites. Moans escaping my lips.

"As long as you're mine, I'm okay with that."


With one of my hands, I brought his face up to mine and pressed my lips against his. He instantly kissed back, biting my lip and slipping his tongue into my mouth. I smiled into our passionate and lustful kiss. His hands slowly made their way up to my school shirt, slowly undoing the buttons until I was left in my bra, slipping the shirt off. I shuddered at the cold air and pressed my self against him more for his warmth.  My hands slowly took off his glasses and I tossed them to the side. I then slowly started to slip off his shirt, breaking the kiss.

I breathed heavily and pressed my forehead against his. "Y'know.. if you had this all planned out.. you didn't have to get dressed."

He smirked. "Well, too bad sweetheart~"

He then flipped us over and he hovered over me. Massaging my breasts. I let out a small moan and leaned up, staring to peck and nip at his neck. "You're not going to escape this with out a few marks Hiko."

We must of been really enjoying this because we both failed to notice the door being kicked open and two people walking in.


I snapped my head to the door and my eyes bulged out of my head. "Y-yata.. I-izumo.."

"What are you doing with him?!!" My brother yelled.

"(Y/n).. you're shirt." Izumo added in.

I flared up red and shot up, Saruhiko standing up and tossing me his shirt off the ground. I quickly threw it on and continued to sit on the couch. Bringing my legs up to me chest and blushing down at the floor.

"And what are you doing with my fucking younger sister you monkey?!"

"Tsk, if you've failed to notice, we're together. It's sad how it took you this long to catch on. How did your pea sized brain figure this out?"

I gent;y kicked Saruhiko and gave him a soft glare. A look that told him to stop calling my brother so many names.

"Rikio saw her coming into this complex as I skated away." Yata looked at me. "Are you really with this traitor?"

I nodded. "I am.. we've been together a month after he left.."

"That was over a year ago?!"

I slowly nodded and looked at Izumo for help.

"Yata, calm down. This is why she didn't tell you. You're overreacting."

I gave a small smile to Izumo.

"I'm not reacting enough! How are you okay with this?"

Izumo sighed. "Because, I knew they both liked each other ever since you three joined. I knew he would protect her, even after he left. And for the fact that Homra would burn him to a crisp if hurt her." He looked at me and then to Saru. "I do admit that I'm hurt that you didn't tell me (Y/n)-chan... But, we can talk later, Yata let's go."

"But Mr. Kusanagi-"

"Yata I said we're going."

Yata gave us a glare but followed Izumo out. The moment the door closed, I sighed and looked up at my boyfriend.

"I love you."

He crouched down. "I love you too.. now, where were we?"

End of Oneshot.

Damn, 1065 words.. that was longer than expected lol. Longest onehshot of this book aha.

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