Eric Solt

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•This was requested by KayleeMcAll

(Y/n)'s Pov

I brought my knees up to my chest and held my phone in my hand. Debating to call him or not. Maybe he could help me. He could find me and bring me to where ever he may be. But then the thought of 'what if he forgot about me?' or 'he doesn't care about me anymore' filled my head.

I can't bother him. He may be happy where ever he is. I can't ruin that. Why would he even look for me anyways? I am nothing.

I rested my chin on my arms. Letting the phone fall from my hand. The door slowly opened and I looked up. A small smile formed on my face once I saw who it was. It was the only member in this gang that I care about. Everyone else in Kikawa, I hated, with a passion.

"How are you (Y/n)?" She sat down next to  me and placed a bowl of water in the table. Pulling a cloth out from her pocket. "You don't look so good (nickname), did you refuse to do what he asked?" I nodded and she dipped the cloth into the warm water, wiping the blood off my face. Cleaning my cuts and wounds. "He did a number on you... maybe you should just listen to him?"

I instantly shook my head 'no'. "I can't... He means to much to me. I can't hurt Eric, he may be happy now... without me, without us." I silently added in. "But I could never hurt him."

(Random name) sighed and rinsed the cloth. "What does he want you you to do to him?"

"He wants me to hurt him badly or kill him for not completing his task to kill Mikoto Souh."

She nodded and started to clean my face again. "And why does he want you to do that? Why you?"

I looked at the picture frame on my nightstand. It was Eric and I, when were were about seven. His arm were wrapped around my shoulder, our faces held a smile. Something I haven't done in awhile.

"Because he knew how close Eric and I were when he was still here, how he was the only one I trusted." I looked at (Random name). "I believe he thinks it would hurt Eric more if I was the one to do it, to hurt him."

"He still means a lot to you, huh?"

I nodded. "He does, he always will. He was my only friend back then. The only one I cared for after my parents passed."

(Random name) tossed the cloth into the garbage and looked at me, a smile on her face. "I can tell you're not happy here, you're scared of it here... and I can help you, but if I do, yoou can't come back or see me again, okay?"


"No buts." She cut me off. "You need to be happy and he won't be able to hurt you anymore. It's decided. Meet be back at midnight. I'll be able to fend them off while you run.. Go to a bar called Homra, I have an old friend there who can help you. His name is Izumo Kusanagi."


I ran down the street trying to find the location of the bar. I must be close. I slowed my pace down to  a walking speed. Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed a sign that read 'Homra'. There it is. I looked around me until I ran into the bar. The bartender looking at me.

"Hello miss-"

"Are you Izumo, Izumo Kusanagi?"

The blonde nodded. "Yes I am."

A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I approched him. "(Random name) sent me, she said you could help me."

He set down his glass he was cleaning onto the counter and nodded. "I haven't heard that name in awhile... here, take a seat."

After explaining most of what happened, Izumo lead me to a spare bedroom. I sat on the bed and pulled the picture frame of Eric and I onto the nightstand. A sigh escaped my lips as I picked up the spare cloths Kusanagi gave me and walked to the bathroom. Maybe a warm shower could clear my thoughts.


My hand held the door knob as I entered the spare room, drying my hair with the towel as I entered. The moment I tossed the towel onto a chair, I noticed a figure by the bed. Holding the picture frame. I tensed up while I stared at the lanky stranger.

"H-hello?" I called out.

The man gently placed the frame back down and turned to me, a small smile on his face. I stared at him, shocked.

"Eric? Is that really you?"

He nodded and walked towards me, using his right hand to examing the cuts on my faces. "Are you okay (Y/n)?"

"Y-yeah, you get used to it after awhile Eric.. I'm used to no one caring besides (Random name)-"

"I've always cared and I'm sorry.. I should of came sooner to get you... I went back there tonight but (Random name) said that you were not a part of them anymore."

I looked up at him. "Are you happy here?" He nodded and his hand dropped from my face. "Then don't be sorry Eric, your happiness is what matters."

He took a step towards me and wrapped his arms around me, I gently wrapped mine around him. Being in his arms again felt right. Oh how I missed him.

"As does yours (Y/n)."

I'm free from Kikawa and I've found the person who means the world to me.

End of Oneshot

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