Masaomi Dewa

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(Y/N)'s Pov

I sat in my room, my back against the wall. My hands held my head as tears flowed out of them. I can't believe it. I really can't. I can't believe that he would do this once again?! How could he?.... and I thought he changed.. obviously not. Once again I was wrong...

A sob escaped my lips when my bedroom door opened. I paid no attention to it and just continued to cry. The person walked closer to me until they were right in front of me. That's when I slowly rose my head to see who it was. But the sight of this person made me snap my head back down.

"W-what do y-you want?" I managed to get out.

"Listen, (Y/N)-"

I cut hime off. "I-if you're here to s-say you're sorry, t-then leave Dewa!"

"(Y/N), everything's gonna be okay... I really am sorry-"

I glared at him and pushed him away from me. "No! It's not okay! Y-you're not sorry cause you keep on doing it! If you were sorry, you wouldn't keep on doing this shit!!" He just looked down at the ground.

I slowly stood up and walked to the door. Before I left I looked at him. "Y-you said you changed... and I believed you... But I s-shouldn't have. Cause once again, you let me down..." With that I left, letting my words run through his head.

How could he...


I sat in my room and looked out the window, watching the sunset. My eyes were red and they hurt from all the crying. I never knew someone could cry as much as I did today.

Knock, knock, knock.

I ignored it and sighed. "(Y/N)? It's me, Totsuka. Can I come in please?"

"Y-yeah." I called out and my door opened, Tatara walking in.

He looked at me and sighed, walking up to me and embracing me in a hug. I instantly hugged back, tears forming in my eyes.

"What's going on? What did Dewa do now?"

"M-masaomi?... H-he broke yet another promise..."

"What did he promise this time?"

"H-he said he wouldn't stay out for too late... he came back at two in the morning, drunk as ever, saying v-very rude things... I forgave him many times before, I keep on forgiving him on these broken promises... thinking he'll change... B-but I can't s-stand anymore of his lies! I feel like he's betraying me!" I sobbed out, holding onto Totsukas shirt. "H-how could he do this? W-why would he do this?" I pulled away from Tatara and sat on my bed, wiping my eyes. "I'm more mad that he keeps lieing to me, saying he won't do something and goes and does it anyways, or promises he'll take me out and blows me off. It's really frustrating!"

"But you still love him don't you?"

I sighed and ran my ha d through my hair. "Yeah.. I do.. It's hard to stop loving someone when you loved them for years, even though they put you through so much pain."

Before he could say anything, my door burst open and Dewa ran in.

"(Y/N), I meed to talk to you alone... Please."

Tatara looked at me and I slowly nodded. He walked up to me and kissed my head. "I'm just a hollar away."

"Thank you." He nodded and left. "What?" I said bluntly, looking at my boyfriend.

"I know I hurt you. I know I broke so many promises, lied to you. But please give me one more chance, please... I promise you that you won't regret it... I'm sorry for hurting you as much as I have..."

"My father abused me, came home late, drunk as ever. Seeing you like that, scared me, brought back horrible memories... That's why I got so upset this time... I'm mad at the lieing as well...Just, I trusted you, forgave you. And look what it brought me. Pain and heartache."

"(Y/N)... I love you." He said cupping my cheeks, pressing his lips against mine.

"I love you too...but I can't handle all of this right now." We stayed silent for a moment. "I will give you another chance."

His face lit up. "Really?"

I nodded. "But I'm not fully forgiving you Masaomi. I want to be friends right not, not in a relationship until you fully changed like you keep on saying."

He nods and sighs. "Okay... I'll make you proud (Y/N).. and that's a promise."

End of Oneshot 

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