Late Night Drive

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Santana's POV:

Things had been feeling empty at home. Mom was at work, she had agreed to pull a double shift since her manager offered her double pay. Overnight shifts weren't that bad according to her, the diner usually slowed down around three in the morning.

Ever since dad passed away, Mom had been really distant. I just felt like she didn't know how to deal with the pain. Which was completely understandable since they were high school sweethearts. Spending nearly 30 years with someone and losing them overnight must come with unbearable pain.

Don't get me wrong, I missed him too. It was something I didn't really share with anyone. I mostly kept my feelings in and hid how I felt from mom because I didn't want to overwhelm her. She was already trying to deal with it herself. When he first passed away, I tried to step up and I got a job over the summer to help mom with some bills. She appreciated the help, but reminded her that I needed to enjoy her summer with my friends. That I was still a kid, and deserved that much. Mom also didn't take the money that I made, so I used it to buy a car for myself. It wasn't much, just a 2005 Honda Civic EX. Something simple, it had two doors and was a nice dark grey color. I usually work weekends after football games so I can pay for gas.

It was getting kind of late, I was hanging out in my room watching a re-run of How I Met Your Mother. It was a comfort show for me at this point. I had watched the entire series at least six times by now, and usually just left it playing on the tv so it wasn't too quiet around the house. Tonight was an unusual night, I found myself looking though old albums from when I was younger. I was a little sad.

That's when Brittany called me. I could tell she was crying and before I knew it I was in my car driving to her. Her house was only a few blocks away but it was super dark and I didn't want her on the street by herself.

As I pulled onto her street, I saw her sitting at the bus stop. I stopped in front of her and rolled down the passenger window.

"You need a ride ma'am?" She smiled shyly. Her noise was a little red, eyes a little puffy. "C'mon. It's gonna start raining soon. I can smell it."

As Brittany got in the car, she chuckled a little. "You can smell the rain? What kind of superstitious thing is that?"

"My grandma is half Filipino. I got it from her." I put the car in drive and we began going down the street. "She used to say it all the time when I was younger and I didn't understand what she meant until a couple years ago."

Brittany laughed, but when I looked over at her she was staring out the window.

"Hey," I slowly put my hand on her thigh and squeezed. "Are you okay?"

My heart was pounding. I was nervous. I had never done with with anyone before. I genuinely had feelings for this girl and I didn't want her to think that I was taking advantage of her or anything.

"It's nothing." Her right hand came up quickly to her face.

I pulled into parking lot of the duck pond and parked near the water. Unbuckling my seat belt, I turned my body so I could face her. Brittany was still looking out the window, though.

"Hey. I know-" I swallowed. "I know, I'm not someone you know really well. But, from the short amount of time we've spent together I know that you're someone I really care about."

"I know, San." She turned towards me now, with tears streaming down her face. "I've just, never told anyone about this. Ever."

"There's no rush. I'm here whenever you're ready to talk about it." I squeezed Britt's thigh a little more.

She wiped her hand on her shirt and placed it on mine. "I really appreciate it."

The butterflies were growing. Brittany was a little closer now and I wasn't sure what was gonna happen. She leaned over and kissed my cheek. I couldn't move. Her lips lingered on my cheek for a little while, then before I knew it my skin immediate missed the way her lips felt on it.

"I used to come here with my real dad all the time. We'd sit right there at the waters edge and feed the ducks bread." Somewhere in that sentence, Brittany's fingers found themselves interlocked in mine. I had a hard time remembering how to breath.

I've held hands with boys before, but they've never made me felt this way. this was something completely different.

"Your real dad?"

"Yeah. My mom was with him for a couple years before I was born but it just didn't work out. Then when I was about three or so my mom met my step dad." The rolling of her eyes made me think she didn't like him that much. "He's, not the nicest person. Especially when he drinks."

"Aww, I'm sorry." I didn't want to pry, but I had to ask. "Is that what happened tonight?"

"Yeah pretty much. Usually I just lock myself in my room but I couldn't stay there. It was too much."

There was a little silence, but nothing about it was awkward. It was welcoming, because I had a feeling like she felt like she had said too much.

"You wanna go for a drive? We don't have to talk or anything. I'll stay out with you until you're ready to go home again." I turned and saw her smiling through the darkness. "I'll take that smile as a yes."

And with that we drove down the road, hand in hand. There wasn't much to say, but just being in each other's presence was enough.

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