Chapter 46: Reveal

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"You can leave him be, you know." Hanji said to Levi in the back seat, who hadn't left Erwin's side since the trip began.

"I'm not taking any chances." He said, waving off Hanji's questioning. They smiled to themselves and shook their head, amused by Levi's worry that he was trying to hide.

"We're going to Rose, right?" The shorter man said, looking toward the front seat as he kept his hand around Erwin's.

"Yep. Hopefully from there we can get to Sina." They explained, their gaze on the road in front of them.

"Why are we going to Sina?" Levi questioned.

"There's some very important things that I have to do there." Hanji explained vaguely, their grip on the wheel tightening.

The truck was left in stiff silence after that, nothing but the sound of Erwin's heavy breathing and the tires on the road to fill the empty air. It makes Levi feel awkward because he doesn't know what to say, yet he wants to say something. He sighed and looked down at his unoccupied hand that lay in his lap, grimacing at the dirt that sat under his nails.

"What was that shit with you and Nile?" He asked suddenly, the thought popping into his mind out of nowhere. He felt that he really needed to ask Hanji what the fuck that was about because it confused the hell out of him.

He could see them tense up upon hearing his question but he didn't get much time to dwell on it.

"Pull down the collar of my shirt." They said.

"But-" Levi began to object, but Hanji cut him off.

"Just do it."

His heart began to race as he sat up, his hand reaching for the collar of Hanji's dirty shirt. He hesitated for a split second before pulling it down. The first thing he noticed was a bite mark that sat on the junction of Hanji's neck and shoulder. It was bruised and scabbed over, still looking fresh. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped before he realized the gravity of the situation, getting his surprise and shock under raps before he spoke.

"Stop the truck. Right now." He said, his voice low and warning. It was a command and there wasn't much room for argument.

"Now Levi-"

"Right. Now." He said, his voice nothing more than a low growl.

Hanji stepped on the brake and stopped the truck, removing their hands from the wheel once they stopped.

"Get out of the truck." Levi ordered, quickly getting the gun from its holster on his chest and pointing it at Hanji while they opened the door to the front seat and stepped out on to the gravel. Levi followed and stood a good distance away from Hanji, the guns barrel never leaving its target.

"Levi, let me explain-" they started, but were quickly cut off.

"There's nothing to explain." He said coldly, trying to keep his voice steady at the thought of what he was about to do.

"Just let me-" Hanji started again but they were immediately cut off by the sound of a gun firing, the bullet whizzing past their head to graze their ear. "What the fuck!?" They yelled.

"Stop moving!" Levi yelled, aiming again to take another shot. He was just about to pull the trigger when Hanji yelled out.

"I'm immune!!" The yelled, their voice hoarse from fear and their arms up to cover themselves from any damage.

"What?" Levi snapped, confusion washing over his mind before he controlled himself.

"I'm immune." Hanji repeated, peaking out from behind their hands.

Levi stood still for a moment before he moved forward, causing Hanji to trip over their own feet and fall backward on to the ground, still trying to back away from him as he pointed the gun closer.

"Do you really expect me to believe that bullshit?" He spat, his voice low and demanding.

"I know, but just hear me out." Hanji insisted.

He stood still and thought for a moment, thinking that he could let Hanji explain or he could just shoot them right here and leave. He'd rather not do the latter, and so he let them have their time. "You have two minutes."

Hanji let out a sigh of relief and began to explain. "I'm immune. I know that sounds really far fetched but this bite right here?" They said, lifting down the collar of their shirt to show the bite from before. "Five months old. And this one," they continued, pulling up their pant leg to show one on their ankle. "Probably over a year. I have another bite on my side too. Levi, if I wasn't immune, I'd have turned already."

He stood stalk still, his mind spinning over the information that he'd just gained. He hated to admit it but it made sense. With the amount of bites they had then they would've turned by now. There was no other explanation.

He lowered his gun but still kept it ready at his side. "Is this why you want to go to Sina?" He questioned.

"Yes. It's complicated and I can't really explain it but I know that if I don't get back to the lab, then the possible cure for whatever the fuck this disease shit is will never be made." Hanji said as they began to stand, dusting themselves off. They noticed the look of apprehension on Levi's face and they were quick to correct it. "Look, I'm not saying that you have to trust me, but please realize that I'm not going to eat you in your sleep. I would have turned by now. I have directly injected myself with corpse blood, and I'm not dead yet. That's gotta say something, doesn't it?"

Levi sighed and put his pistol back in its holster, a scowl on his face as he climbed back into the truck, this time in the front seat. Hanji joined him and began driving again, the gravel crunching under the tires as they picked up speed.

"If you try anything I will not hesitate to shoot you." Levi stated quietly, not meeting Hanji's gaze because the statement was untrue. Of course he'd shoot to kill if it was necessary but not without a lot of hesitation because he did secretly trust Hanji. Although this new discovery did change things and he now felt a bit uneasy around them because his mind was telling him that they could turn at any second and his body was saying that he should keep his hand by his gun at all times. But it was up to him which he decided to listen to.

"I don't doubt that." Hanji stated, eyes focused on the road and their hands planted firmly on the steering wheel. The bite on their neck was just barely peeking out from beneath the collar of their shirt, their skin looking red and blistered around where the bite was. The thing itself was bruised blue, purple, and yellow, the teeth marks from whatever corpse had bit them showing clearly still despite how old Hanji said the bite was. Levi still didn't fully believe them but he knew that if he and Erwin wanted a ride to Rose then this was all they had. They didn't have any other options and Levi suspected that Hanji realized this as well. They could be using it as an advantage for all he knew, a way to get them cornered before they turned and devoured both him and Erwin, but in his heart he trusted Hanji enough to believe that they were telling the truth about everything. If not, well, he'd pay for it dearly.
A/N: hah lol remember when I said the story was ending haha lol nope.

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