12- A Hint of Spring Day

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It's seven in the evening. As my mother has gone to fetch my little brother from school, I'm left alone in the house as the other brother, who is older but still younger than me, is attending his tuition class. Taking out my Chemistry notes together with the textbooks, I decide to study this subject while waiting for Jungkook's message. Occasionally, I'll glance at the little clock placed on my desk. "30 minutes had passed..." I mutter while continuing to study.

Finally, I can hear the brief notification ring of my phone. Upon hearing the sound, I immediately set those books and notes aside before grabbing my phone, unlocking it only to be welcomed by a rectangular notification bar. After pressing the bar, I'm led into a Whatsapp chatroom and there he is.

I can't help but stare at the message, for a great five minutes before remembering to reply it

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I can't help but stare at the message, for a great five minutes before remembering to reply it. My heartbeat is going budump budump rapidly until I can feel my face heating up.

 My heartbeat is going budump budump rapidly until I can feel my face heating up

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Seeing Jungkook reads my message immediately makes my heart fluster. Now that he's typing and I'm waiting with my heart still beating faster than a cheetah. I wonder what he's going to tell me through our first Whatsapp text message. However, he stops typing as I can see the word 'online' replaces the word 'typing'. "What is he up to now?" I mumble to myself when not long after, my phone rings and of course it startles me just like how I was this afternoon.


"Jaykee-ah..." There comes Jungkook's voice which sounds frustrated.

"Bo (What)?" As I ask, I'm assuming that the boy's flight is delayed deep in my mind.

"The air force hates me..." Bingo.

"Me too." I answer when the latter gasps upon my extremely neutral tone. "Just kidding." My voice turns light and cheerful again before I burst into laughter. There on the other side of the phone, I bet Jungkook is busy rolling his eyes and 'facepalming' upon my terrible joke which'd still fooled him on the spot.

"You're so bad, Jaykee. My mood is already screwed and now you'd just made it worse." The idol grumbles in which I can imagine him pouting right now. Instead, I manage to notice his improved English. It must be due to his transfer to the university. A small smile creeps up onto my face upon the thought.

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