14- Thank You

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The alarm clock wakes me up with a bunch of radio DJs speaking in Cantonese at 6.30am. Slowly, my eyelids flutter open while my brain starts functioning to activate every system in my body. And hence, this is how my amygdala triggers my nerve with fear due to the reminder of today's date - 27th February - which is the Results Day for my Foundation finals.

Groaning with a frown, I slap the snooze button lazily on the clock and struggle into a sitting position. Then, the morning routine is all done just like yesterday. But the nervousness creeping into my mind has made me changed my clothing style. Unlike the days I'd used to be dressing like, I've preferred my new long sleeve cotton shirt and a pair of ripped jeans.

After finishing the sumptuous breakfast specially made by myself, I hug my sleepy mother goodbye before heading to the red car. Heaving in a deep breath and turning it into a sigh, I ignite the car engine to begin the route towards campus. The dangerous roundabout is freaking jammed with roaring vehicles. Also not to mention that there is an accident occurred in the middle of the roundabout, so the traffic is rather disrupted here.

As it comes to my turn to cross with the car in front, I won't forget to apply the orange car signal to the right and then to the left once I nearly reach the exit that leads me to my destination. But sadly in the midst of crossing the dangerous path, I fail to avoid being horned by other drivers when I try to prevent my car from hitting the crashed vehicles ahead. I have to say that once I've maneuvered the car into that very exit, I increase the speed without hesitation until the entrance of Educity comes into view.

"First guard house to pass." I mutter before slowing down and smiling at the guards as one of them is busy jotting down my car plate number into a long notebook. As they let me pass, I nod at them with a wider smile before taking off. Soon, I'm driving right beside the fence of Reading University until its entrance enters my range of vision. "Student card, student card..." I chant in a rhythmic tone after stopping by the card scanning machine.

Blessed to my soul, my card is hung like a huge necklace around my neck. Thus it won't take too much time for me to take it out and place it at the scanner.


By the way, I've arrived early out of excitement to relieve stress in RUMSA - the piano would be a good tool for me to relax my nerves - but I end up meeting with Rose in between the purple cubicles. If I have to note, these cubicles are just the same as the ones in the library. "Hi Skyler." There she waves at me with a welcoming grin.

"Hi Rose." I greet back at her with a wide grin, trying to hide my panicking expressions behind the positive mask. She's sitting with her most comfortable posture at the corner while staring straight towards the laptop placed on the table. " Whatcha watching?" I ask, sliding my slender body through the narrow gap before elbowing her. Seeing that she doesn't respond, I try to peep at the laptop screen and she lets me.

Much to her interest, there she goes with the Bollywood music videos again. I won't deny that such videos are fun to watch especially the fast tunes could lighten up one's mood. But BTS's music videos happen to gain the same effect on me as well.

I don't wish to disturb her me-time, but sharing each other's interested music bands/groups have become some sort of habit in me. Clearing my throat, I touch her arm with my forefinger. "Rose, that Korean friend of mine and his friends had just released a new music video, do you wanna watch it?" One tip to support BTS or any other celebrities is to increase the click rate on their Youtube channel.

"Ya sure." She pushes the laptop to me and let me settle my fingers on the keyboard. Skilfully, I type out the word 'not today' just as elegant as how my fingers play on the piano keys as people in the campus has said.

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