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A few days passed, Arias leg fully healed and she took the role as leader beside bellamy

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A few days passed, Arias leg fully healed and she took the role as leader beside bellamy. Lincoln was still being held hostage, and Aria kept it quiet from bellamy that he could talk. Aria and Octavia took turns watching over him, Aria would distract Bellamy while Octavia went to see him. Aria could tell Octavia was growing feelings for Lincoln but Aria and Tempest just watched in the background knowing Octavia needed someone. Raven was able to get the radio working with a screen for video chatting she was quite useful to us. Aria wasn't interested she didn't care for anyone on the ark... besides one guard Luke but she didn't know if he still cared about her. "Aria come here!" Tempest shouting pulling her bestfriend over to the video area. Aria wrapped her arms around tempest back from behind and laid her chin on her head. "What's up tempy." Aria asked with a smile but her face froze as her eyes locked onto Khane's eyes on the screen. "Khane..." Aria whispered as her arms slumped to the side and she walked and took a seat and but the headgear on. "Hello Aria." Khane said with a smile. "Id like to talk to you alone for now." Khane said. Aria nodded and shooed everyone away and closed the tent. "What is it Khane." Aria said eyeing him. "I want to thank you for protecting the 100 and of course my daughter I see became her bestfriend as well as the blake girl." Aria slowly nodded in response. "How many know what you are as of now?" He asked. "Bellamy, Octavia, you're daughter, Clarke, Finn, and three others." Aria replied. "Good, as for now i want you to keep that secret, when we come down to earth we are setting you as head guard. You are to work with us." "Why would I agree to that?" Aria questioned. "It's not a question Aria it's a statement, with what were up against we need someone not like anyone else we need you, you are a natural born leader before you're parents were floated they told me once you reach you're full potential instead of you're eyes glowing gold they will glow red... you are born into the true alpha bloodline. We need you as the guard leader... I need you. Well all do Aria. You are our best chance of survival besides our weaponry, you can do more than you know of yet. Once down to earth the announcement will be made with what you are and what your position is. Are we clear." Khane said. Aria nodded and huffed. "There's someone that has wanted to see you for a long while." Khane said. Aria eyes the screen and Luke came into view. "LUKE!" Aria squealed. "Hi kiddo miss me???" He said with a smile his dusty blonde hair was spiked up and his blue eyes glistened as he smiled at aria. "I miss you." Aria whispered. "Don't cry kid I'll be there soon I promise!" Luke said smiling up at Aria brightly. Aria wiped her tears as she nodded. "I never got to thank you, you protected me before and after what had happened with that guard... thank you." Aria whispered. "Don't thank me you don't need to, you are like family to me, I don't know what i'd do without you kid. Batman buddies for life eh?" He said with a laugh and lifted his guard uniform to see the tattoo on his side that aria got. "You got matching tattoos!" Aria said loudly with a smile causing Luke to nod. "I'm glad you're alive, I've heard of everything you've done and gone through from Clarke and Tempest. You're strong Aria you have alpha bloodline... never forget that. I have to go but I'll see you soon." He said before waving and walking off. "Bye Lukeeee!!!" Aria called out. He turned and waved once more before walking out of site. The camera landed back on Khanes face "Keep doing what you're doing soldier you are a leader never forget that. Jaha is planning to have the ship come down Clarke will give you the coordinates to the base for supplies, pick who you go with carefully I'll see you soon. Be safe!" He said before the screen went dark. "Jaha is alive aria whispered to herself then bolted up and ran to bellamy who had coordinates in his hand and a pack on his back. "Jaha is alive you didn't kill him!" Aria shouted with a big grin. "Aria I still shot him, when they come down do you honestly think they will let me live?" Bellamy said with a frown. "Their setting me as lead guard... bellamy." Aria said then cupped his cheeks "I wont let anything happen to you, you have my word... were in this together until the end." Aria said with a smile and a gleam of hope. "Until the end..." Bellamy whispered. He looked away in thought... they will kill him for what they did he loves her but he has to leave tonight he knows Aria will keep everyone safe especially his sister. "Let's go find that base kitten." Bellamy said with a smile. Aria nodded and walked into the woods beside Bellamy. Aria deep in thought hers brows furrowed she paid no attention to her senses, she had no idea they were being followed. Aria walked into the field and looked around the horizon. "There has to be a door around here somewhere right?" She muttered glancing at bellamy. He nodded in response "Just keep looking." He muttered before walking off. Aria looked once more at her surroundings appreciating everything this world had to offer. Beautiful lush green grass, animals, plants, food, water... apples, Aria licked her dry lips she didn't realize she was hungry and thirsty. Her stomach growled in protest as she lurched towards bellamy. Bellamy quickly looked at her startled "Why are you growling?" he questioned. Aria laughed "I'm not it's my stomach..." She huffed and plopped on the ground. Bellamy threw his pack down and sat in front of her. "I packed food and water, I didn't know how long we'd be gone... I was uh gonna leave tonight so I packed a lot." Aria growled and pounced onto bellamy, she held his wrists above his head and leaned in looking into his sad brown eyes. "You're not leaving." She growled out. "I have to Aria their coming soon I need to be gone." he frowned. "Look at me." She said eyeing him. He looked up at Aria. "You. Are. Not. Leaving me... I will fucking follow you if I have to... I would risk everything for you and Octavia you are not leaving we will figure it out together." Aria said. "Why do you care?" Bellamy asked. Aria smashed her lips onto Bellamy's. "Because i love you, you stupid boy." Aria said when she released the kiss. "Promise me you'll stay bellamy. I will kill for you if i have too." Aria said. "I promise" Bellamy whispered then pushed Aria onto her back holding her in place he leaned in and kissed her, deepening the kiss. Aria's eyes glowed bright red. "You're eyes Aria, their bright red?" Bellamy said looking at her. "Mate." Was the only thing that came out of Aria's mouth. Her eyes faded back to normal and she eyed Bellamy "You're my mate..." she said. "Like soulmate?" Bellamy whispered causing a nod from Aria. "That explains the pull i've felt towards you." He said with a smirk. Aria giggled "You helped me reach my full potential, i'm a true alpha now... I should apparently be able to do more things, thats atleast what khane said." Aria said. "You don't want to be a wolf do you?" Aria questioned eyeing Bellamy. "No... atleast not for awhile." Bellamy said. Aria nodded "I thought so I just wanted to make sure." Aria said but was interrupted by her stomach growling loudly. Bellamy pecked Aria's lips before pulling her up and back to sit so they could eat and drink. Bellamy pulled out nuts and some meat. "Here." He said handing her food and a canteen of water. They both ate before putting the rest away and looking for the door again.

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