Messengers in Naruto

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"So, is there anyone who wants to go first"?

Naruto and Sakura shakes their head.

SSasugay just grunts.

Dariko"Tuh, Typical Dumbasses" she mumbles.

Naruto"Wat...mpph mphh"!! kakashi covers his mouth so he wouldnt start ranting on me. 'Thank God'

"Okay watch how the master does it"?

Dariko"Tazuna a master at jumping and I thought barney had a chance".

He does the anime white eye thing and gasps.

Sakura and Sasuke just glare all day at her. She side glances at them from time to time.


They glared, she glared and kakashi hit them with his hands.

"Huh genins these days". >> That is the look he gave them.

"Watever"! Dariko Shouted and walked ahead.

Naruto"She has a bigger attitude than Sasuke"!

Sasuke"Wow good comeback loser".

Naruto Anime veins. "Get back here"!

We are having technical difficulties chow.

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