"Comeon Sakura," Naruto calls for her. "Hn" She swoons over sasuke or "sasugay" as I call him. They leap from tree to tree searching for the mysterious bandits everyone in the hidden leaf village has been talking about. Kakashi Sensei hasn't recently been on missions with them because he had to go on a b-rank mission. Luckily, the Squad could convice the hokage to give them an S-Rank. She specifically told them "If you catch all 7 bandits, you'll get your mission status boosted as an S-Rank, but if you fail... it'll become an epic failure and will weaken the branchs status".
Naruto"YES, FINALLY AN S-RANK MISSION"!!! He screams into sakura and sasuke's ears. Sakura glared. Sasuke was readying himself to pumch him in the face. *hes very funny if I wasvin this situation*. The hokage yells at them to get a move on. End of Flashback!
"Where do we start looking first?" Sasuke wonders.
"Maybe we should go back and ask tje villagers where they first spotted them" *Shouldn't they have done that in the beggining*. They all sweatdrop feeling dumbstruck.
"He's right" Sakura adds. "That would just waste valuable time". Sasuke counters. Naruto and him have major issues but anyway they continued on towards their mission. "We don't even know what these bandits look like non-theless where to start looking". Suddenly Naruto sees something out of the corner of his eye. "Hey did you guys see that, " Naruto shouts. Sasugay and Sakura "See what"? OH NO NARUTO GET BACK HERE"!
Naruto runs through the dense bushes and into the heart of the forest. He sees a tall, black haired palish boy with red eyes.
Naruto: 'He must be one of them .. I just know it'. "Hey you"! The boy turns around with lust in his eyes.
Naruto:"Nvm that, you're the one who has been stealinng things from our VILLAGE"
?"Our"? 'There must be more of these kooks'.
Sasugay and Sakura have arrived.
Naruto"Im not gonna ASK YOU AGAIN?!!". The boy glares and examines the other two. He pays close attention to sakura and thoroughly examines her.
He jumps down right in front of them, picks up naruto and body slams him underneath the earth.
"Naruto"!! Sakura shouts while Sasuke is front of her in a fighting stance.
?"Aww the little punk is trying to protect his girlfriend". He dashes towards Sasuke and punches his stomach multiple times and elbows his head with his elbow obviously. Sakura scared stiff falls to the ground knees to the floor.
At that exact moment Naruto bursts up through the air running towards the mysterious teen but is in pain. "AAARGHH, YOU"!! He glances at Sasuke who is still on the ground. Obviously, his weak ass couldn't even destroy a car if he tried.
?"Gosh, I always love it when they come crawling back" He kicks Naruto upside the hide, but he is flipped over and pounded to the ground. 'I should just take that girl right now, but at the right time- No Fuck it'. He dodges naruto's punches and kicks. He hovers over the air.
Sasugay'Heres my chance' "Chidori a thousand burns"! He gets punched on the head towards the ground. (Dumbass) Sakura runs up to a K.O sasugay. Marshall dives down but fails as naruto godspeeds towards them. His bangs cover his face
"Sakura, take Sasuke and leave ill deal with him"! "N...Naruto"!!! It's too late he jabs his claws into his stomach. "Argh" blold comes out of his mouth.
"S..Sakura, j..just go"! Sakura cries on Sasuke's chest. He ground pounds Naruto again.. in the same exact spot wtf!. "Now my sweet, it's just me and you". Sakura smirks she had a trap set all along. He stepped on one of the pebbles. The kunai's fly toward him puncturing his skin.. or so she thought.
Mystère / Thriller7 years ago, Dariko is bullied at school by almost the entire school body. Everywhere she went they would torture her with names, abuse and sexual contact. But as she meets naruto uzumaki she finds hope.