Chapter Two

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(Credit to Artist)

Phil's P.O.V

As I finished up editing a video, I walk out of my room to grab a snack and maybe watch a movie. I glace over at Dan's room to see his door shut, meaning one out of three things. 1) He's sleeping, 2) He's jacking off, or the more then likely one 3) recording/editing a video. Either way, he needs his quite. Setting my mind on watching a movie, Dan walks out with a soft smile on his face and yawns.

"Hey, just wake up?" I ask him as he plops down onto the couch.

"Nah, I was recording a video"

Well I was somewhat right.

"What about?"

"THE FRIREY DEPTHS OF HELL!!" He semi-screams.
I slightly blush at the young man's enthusiasm. Heh so cute~

"Oh~ sounds interesting. I was gonna watch a movie, you gonna join?"

"Hell yeah! What were you gonna watch?"

I shuffle to the kitchen and pull out some pop corn and throw it into the microwave.

"I hadn't picked anything out, as you can see the Telly isn't even on. But do you have any suggestions?"

I hit the pop corn setting and walk to where the remotes lie and turn the TV on bringing Netflix© onto the screen.

"Hmm. . .how about Whine The Pooh?" He asks excited. I chuckle once again at his excitement.

"As you wish Daniel"

"Sweet!! Thank you Phil!"

I look up Whine The Pooh and click on the preview before hitting play. The Microwave sounds, screaming to get the pop corn out. I walk over and take the pop corn out of the microwave and put it into a bowl. I walk to dan and pick up a blanket laying on a near by chair. As I sit down next to my 'life' long crush, I drape the blanket over both of us and set the small bowl between our legs.

As I play the movie, Dan stares at the screen and takes a handful of pop corn and eating it. While the film is playing I sneakily glance at Dan staring for as long as possible until he turns to look at me in attempts of catching me in the act. After we finished the pop corn we set the bowl on the floor and shifted to where Dan was leaning on my shoulder half asleep.

Once the film ended I looked at Dan's resting face and noticed he had fallen asleep.

"God you are so cute. . . "

I sigh and try to stand up when Dan stirs in his sleep.

"Don't. . go. . " He says sleepily.

I hum happily and quietly saying 'ok' and shift us both to where he lays atop me. After awhile of watching him sleep, I drift off into slumber myself.

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