wanna see my baby

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I was 19 year's old when this happened and incarcerated in an Ohio penitentiary at the time.

I'm now a 30 year old man with a wife/kids/normal job, so sharing this story isn't really something I ever get the chance to do as prison stories aren't really a great impression on anyone.

First, if you think the stories about rape or gay sex in prison are exaggerated or myths, you would be completely wrong. It's most definitely a thing.

I was never a victim of rape nor did I ever feel like my butt virginity was in jeopardy. However, I did get placed in some really awkward situations.

For example: After a few days of being in general population guys will start hitting on you. And I'm not talking about " I lost my number, can I have yours?" No. One of the nicest ways I was hit on was by a guy who was bent over a picnic table in the yard, you know, knees on the bench and elbows on the table, looked back at me and said "you ready for some pussy yet Robby?" as he smiled while waving his butt at me. Also, if a guy introduces himself as "sweet pussy Jim" he is most likely a hooker offering his services to you.

So, I had been in general population for about a week when I met him. Geri. I had knew enough by this point that just by the way he acted he was one of the sisters. I had also learned not to talk with these guys unless you wanted to be on other people's radar as a potential "sister."

Geri was staring at me and I was doing my best not to make eye contact and try to avoid any awkward situation. He didn't care though. He came up to me and said "Do you wanna see my baby?"

I guess I thought he was referring to his boy friend, so I just smiled and said "na, I'm good"

Geri says "please come see my baby"

Again, I say "I'm good"

Geri walks away pissed off talking to himself and I'm just sitting there wondering wtf was that dude talking about.

About 15 minutes pass and here comes Geri again. "Do you wanna see my baby" and I quickly tell him no for the third time. Again, he walks off mumbling and shaking his head.

A few more minutes go by and here comes Geri again. "Do you wanna see my baby?" I tell him "listen man, I really don't wanna meet your baby, I'm good." I'm still pretty calm at this point and knowing that this dude was more than likely someone's "girl" I really didn't wanna throw the first punch and have to deal with the consequences from it.

Well, this routine goes on for the rest of the day. Geri would come to me a couple of times each hour and ask me "do you wanna see my baby?" and every time I would say "no" and he would just walk off shaking his head and mumbling some shit.

Towards the end of the day I had been asked "do you wanna see my baby" probably somewhere close to 50 times and to be honest I was starting to get curious. I had also noticed that it seemed like Geri was cycling between about five different guys and asking us all if we wanted to see his baby. I started to figure out It wasn't "who" was his baby but rather "what" was his baby. I was genuinely curious at that point. For some reason, I guess I thought his baby was gonna be some drawing or craft of an actual baby. I'll tell you now it wasn't either of those and if you're thinking it's his dick, well that wasn't it either.

I figured fuck it...

Here comes Geri.. "Do you wanna see my baby?"

I said "how about this, will you leave me the fuck alone if I come see your baby?"

Geri gets excited "yea! Yea! Yea! Come look at my baby!"

So against my better judgement I follow Geri to his bunk. He pulls a shoe box out from underneath his rack. He's doing it very slow and gentle as if he's trying not to wake his baby up. Now he's cradling the shoebox in his left arm, rocking it and begins to take the lid off. As he's taking the lid off he looks at me, smiles and says "shhhh, it's a girl, her names Julie"

I wasn't ready. "Aww man what the fuck dude!" I gagged and dry heaved and walked away.

What Geri revealed to me as his baby was a humongous turd, probably about 7-9 inches long with a pink bow wrapped around it. Apparently, Geri had a bowel movement during sex the night before and considered it his baby girl.

He did however keep his word and never spoke another word to me again after that.

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