stories of shootings (these are real stories not mine through)

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I am a student at Seattle Pacific University. One afternoon I bumped into a friend after class. I wasn't busy so I suggested that since the school year was almost over I wanted to see his dorm room before he moved out. It was the first time I visited his dorm that year. I hear sirens in the background but pay it no mind as we approach the dorm. However, as I am visiting my friend and touring the building with him I receive some texts: "Are you okay?" "Are you safe?" "Did you hear about what's going on :(:(?" We hear a holler from down the hall. We walk into a freshman's dorm room and a small crowd had gathered. I see my campus' building, Otto Miller, on a local news station surrounded by police, ambulances and yellow tape. I see people I know on screen, being interviewed. My heart sank and my stomach twisted. It was such a huge rush of emotions, I was so afraid it was someone I knew that had either caused the shooting or had been a part of it. I never would have thought such an event could happen here, at SPU. It was unreal and frightening.

After about 45 minutes of people going in and out of this dorm room, the freshman who lived there told the group to leave as he had a job to get to and his roommate was out.

I found out the next day that the room that I had been standing in contemplating the injustice and cruelty of that act, was none other than the room that Paul Lee had lived in.

It's been two months. We miss you Paul :(


When I was a junior in '98, I was in an Office applications class when the school went on lockdown. We didn't know at first what had happened. I remember someone coming to the door and motioning for my teacher to come speak with him. After a few moments of hushed discussion, the man left, and my teacher shut and locked the door.

She went to the front of the class, and in a very sober voice, she explained to us that we were going to be staying in class until the end of the day, and maybe longer, if the police wanted us to stay put.

We asked her what was wrong, and she got choked-up and made a weird sound - kind of like a cross between a sob and a cough. She told us with tears in her eyes that a boy named Nick Creson had been shot outside, and that it didn't look like he was going to make it.

A few girls in the back of the class began gasping, and some of them started crying. One of their friends was a girl named Tonya, who was Nick's girlfriend at the time. They all knew each other.

Apparently, Nick had had a falling out with this other boy, Jacob Davis, over Tonya's affections. Jacob had gotten angry that she was seeing this other guy after dumping him, so he confronted him about it in the parking lot. He shot him with his rifle, and Nick died at the hospital.

Three lives were ruined that day: Nick's, which was lost forever. Tonya's (she never was the same again after that), and Jacob's (he's serving life in prison now). Not to mention the families of all three of them.

All of that... over a girl. Even when I was a know-nothing, kid of a girl in high school, I knew that no boyfriend (or girlfriend) was worth committing murder for. But I've never had to walk in anyone else's shoes, so I don't know what goes on in the mind of someone that angry. I just wish it hadn't happened. It was right after Columbine, and it put our sleepy town school on the map and in the public eye.

It's selfish and strange of me, but I'm glad I didn't personally know any of the people involved. It was easier to deal with it by distancing myself from it. It made it seem less real. :(


this is from the shooting of the Columbine high school from someone a frist hand accountHello. My name is Ryan Bigley and I'm a graduate of Columbine High School (Class of '02). Even though I'm now out of high school, I would still like to see a world where it's safe to walk the hallways of your school and not have a fear of someone with a gun. Enough is enough, let's make school a peaceful place again. I hope this is detailed enough, I have not edited this story since I wrote it down back in May of 1999, to keep my story the way it was unaltered. I apologize in advance for redundancies, run-ons, any other things that make this really long to read. If you have any questions, PLEASE check out the brand new Frequently Asked Questions link at the bottom of the page. If you have any further questions, E-mail me at Also, when you're done with reading my story, please sign the guestbook. It took me over 3 hours to compile this story for all of you, and I would like to know what you think, so please sign the guestbook! Thanks!

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