some shooting stories (supposedly real)

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I was in my American History class at the time when the shooting happened. The shooting took place in the main office of my school and my class was to the far left of the school. It was during lunch hour but my class had already came back from lunch. At the time of the shooting, I had earbuds in because we were working on a project for the class. My friend bumped me and told me we were in a code red and that we had to do the procedural stuff...lights off, no one in sight of the window on the door, everyone sitting on the ground, no talking, no cell phones. The no talking rule always gets broken because people want hear what other people think about what's going on.

The year of the shooting I was a freshman, the shooter was a senior and had been suspended due to doing donuts in the parking lot. He left school, did some K2 (police reports said), came back with his fathers loaded handgun and shot the vice principal and principal. Principal survived, VP did not. The student left the building and drove somewhere, parked, and took his own life.

Sad thing was that the VP had a son that taught at our school, I didn't have him as a teacher but he took a few weeks + after the shooting.

And all the while I was working on my American History project not knowing what happened until someone announced on the intercom what had happened. After a couple hours of being in a code red, police started to escort classrooms outside the building. Rough next couple days for some...

When I was in 5th grade, a guy across the street went crazy and got into a shootout with the police. A bunch of his bullets went inside my school. We all had to hide under our desks while the standoff was taking place. No one was injured, but the shooter was shot dead by police. It was pretty scary when you're only 10 and bullets are coming in through the windows, but it was a pretty crazy time in the 80's and stuff like this happened a lot in my city at the time. I was lucky, and my class didn't have any bullets flying through the windows, but some other classes weren't so lucky. The standoff lasted for several hours, and in all I guess we were lucky that's all that happened.

Guns were normal in school growing up. I got solicited my first pistol in 8th grade for $100. In high school, near every person had a gun in their car for one reason or another. Never had any shootings though.

Before Columbine, it wasn't unusual to leave your hunting rifle in the gun rack or back seat of your vehicle. As long as it was legally owned, it never really drew any attention. Of course, not everyone followed the rules, and pistols were fairly common too. You were expelled immediately, and faced possible jail time if you got caught with one of them though.

In South Carolina, you probably got your first rifle when you were 10. After Columbine, schools cracked down with zero-tolerance policies, and then Pearl, Mississippi made the crackdown even worse. They send you to jail getting into a fist fight now. Before you either got a paddle, or a few days suspension. They expel kindergartners for using their hands in the shape of guns. Heck, a def girl had to change her name, because part of the sign language she used to spell her name made her hand into the shape of a gun. The rules have gotten ridiculous.

i really like horror so this is why i am doing this book i want to make this page to 666 words so yea just because i want to did you know someone almost had to change their name because sign langue made it into a gun shape style so she had to change it that stupid

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