The master

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"Care to dance?" He spoke so softly, gently placing his hand behind her back, as though he was guiding her to a certain direction.
" apologies sir Dominic...I...I can't " she spoke with much hesitation. She quickly changed her direction, avoiding his touch from behind. This was an opportunity for her to dance with a man she could think nothing of, but kindness. The man whom had saved her twice from falling, he was kind and good with compliments and yet she had to avoid him. For Nara it was rather disappointing to walk away from such an opportunity, but she had to.

The master seemed to keep his eyes on her, she could feel it. Those cold, dark empty eyes, watching her every move from a distance. She was well aware of how Damien was very bipolar  and to a great extent unpredictable, she had to just stay putt and avoid any form of attention.
As she walked pass rose and an elderly man; seem to be in his late sixties. She glanced at the two for a few seconds and quickly dodged the stern look rose reciprocated. It was very obvious that rose didn't like her to a certain extent. but Nara knew and was fully aware, that was the least of her problems.

"What the hell Nara ?! nearly fell back there" whispered a concern Julie with much anxiety in her tone. She knew that Nara wasn't use to such events and was a bit clumsy, but nonetheless cared about her as though she was her younger sister.

"Well I didn't" she replied with a hint of confidence as she approached the other girl. Gently she dropped her metal tray on the long wooden table, which seem to stretch towards the end of the large room. Dishes upon dishes of fine cousins spread all over the table. Nara had to admit chef khan really did a great job tonight, everything smelled great and the dishes where well presented.

"Yeah?....just count yourself lucky that spiky hair over there caught you" Julie with much sarcasm nudged Nara with her elbow.

"If you must know...his name is Dominic" she giggled in return.

"Yeah...well what did 'Dominic' say to you back there?" she added using her fingers to emphasize on the name "Dominic ". Julie saw when Dominic had caught Nara, before she fell to her doom. Curiosity was warming up to her as she watched the man interact with her friend.

"What's with all the questions?" Nara with eye brows arched turned to face the girl beside her. "He just asked me to dance...but-"


"I said no and besides Im sort of working" she  spoke, unsure of her previous statement upon seeing Julie's face boil up with anger.

"You what!?....are you crazy? could you turn down such an opportunity!" Julie screamed in rage as she tried to maintain her low tone. She couldn't simply understand why anyone in their right mind, could turn down such an opportunity.

"'s true...the master could have killed me for dancing with sir Dominic" she stated with innocence and confusion spread all over her face.

"You idiot!..." Julie rubbed her temples as she let out a sigh. "These are masters guests...your job is to make sure their satisfied for the main time there now not only did you miss the opportunity to dance, but you as well left one of masters guest very unpleased." Julie folded her arms across her chest, took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She was rather disappointed  in Nara's inability to understand how everything works, but she couldn't blame the innocent girl. She knew Nara was scared, and somehow to Her, that wasn't the problem. The problem was she had no idea how Nara was really coping with her new surroundings. She could only imagine how the poor girls life was ruined in one day, by one man she called her master.

"I honestly don't feel comfortable around all these people" Nara sighed and dropped her shoulders.

"Ugh...cheer up Nara...enjoy the scenery" Julie placed a hand on the girls shoulders, making an attempt to brighten up her friends mood. Julie could see it in her expression, she was certain that Nara was homesick and would want nothing more-than to escape from the mansion. She was all too familiar with the emotions and trauma Nara
was going through, but eventually all slaves have to deal with such emotions, one way or the other.

Meanwhile the master stood with a glass of wine, Running his fingers through his hair with the other hand. He was a confident young man, he faced every obstacle and problem with great maturity, he was the master after all. For Damien there was nothing special about this night, he had seen far too many of such ceremonies to be amused. All vampires uphold such celebrations, whereby a grand feast is being made. A feast of the most delicious and irresistible substance know to all vampires.

" love" a strong feminine voice interrupted the young man from his thoughts. He quickly glanced at the beauty dressed in red. Her hair flowed to the side of her shoulders and her red full lips wasn't easily dismissed. He was quite attracted to her and enjoyed her warm company.

"Rose?! look amazing" he complimented the lady standing before him with his eye brow arched.

"Thank you my don't look bad yourself" she returned the compliment and tried adjusting the masters tie. Rose had known Damien for a very long time, personally she felt that Damien was the one, a person she could trust and was comfortable around, a person she was willing to sacrifice anything for. She could remember it, like it was yesterday, the day the young vampire saved a stranded lost girl from a treacherous storm.
Rose had an adventurous zeal, to explore and uncover new surroundings. However, on this night she had wandered too far. It so happened that one faithful day, during one of her quests, rose encountered two men discussing. The men spoke of a "blood-line" a word which she was very much familiar with. The "blood-line" where all myths and vampire folk-tales about humans who where as strong, fast and powerful as vampires. The two men conversed about how one of this so called blood-lines had been sighted in a  small town called "Melbon". This conversation easily caught her attention, and soon enough she began her quest in finding this so called blood-line. Eventually she was able to make it to Melbon, but had lost her way after fleeing from her encounter with phantom-assassins. Lost in the woods with an injured arm, rose found her self stranded and alone. That was until a young man stepped out of the shadows and became her savior.

"Damien...this is the person I've been telling you about father" she spoke, locking her arms with Damien's. The old man approached the two, he was average height, had gray hair and a mustache. He was a bit round, with his protruding stomach.

"Ah...pleasure to meet you" he replied stretching his arm towards the young master.

"The pleasure is all mine's such an honor to bask in your presence " Damien added as he shook the older mans hand.

"I've heard many great things about you sir Damien...hardly does my rose speak of anyone...and yet she speaks of you so greatly with much pride" the old man glanced at his daughter. He knew rose, ever since she was little, was hardly impress by anyone. For Arthium it was quite a surprise to see his daughter take much interest and pride in speaking about someone like Damien.

"Oh father...don't be silly" rose with a little blush spoke much to her embarrassment. She wanted to impress Damien so badly but her father doesn't seem to get the job done.

"You have quite an amazing daughter sir" Damien added as he glanced over to his shoulder, meeting the young woman's bright green eyes. They were full of care and contentment. She quickly gave him a warm smile in return to his wonderful compliment. To hear Damien speak those words, just warmed up her heart.

"Ah...indeed she is" the old man let off a smile acknowledging and agreeing with what the young man had spoke.

"So when's the wedding!?" he questioned the two and almost immediately the room went silent.

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